We just today rolled out a new website design at rollingdogfarm.org using a WordPress template. This is a “responsive” design that will automatically reformat the website for smartphones, iPads and other devices. It also makes it easy for me to edit the website myself and not have to ask our wonderful website designer, Amy Austin, to do the simple things. WordPress also has a blog as an integral part of the website itself, so we will now be using that for blog posts. Please bookmark the new address: http://www.rollingdogfarm.org/rolling-dog-farm-blog/
In fact, you may not even need to do that because the most recent blog posts are automatically embedded right there on the home page of the new site.
Our original blog at TypePad has been down for over a week because of a “denial of service” attack directed at TypePad. (For more on this issue, see this.) As part of overcoming that attack, TypePad had to change IP addresses for certain blogs, including ours, and they spent the past day trying to help us bring it back up. Our website redesign was already in the works when this happened, so it’s just a coincidence that the blog went down as we were readying the new website design.
The TypePad blog finally came back up this evening, and I will resume posting here but only for a couple of weeks until we can transition all of our readers over to the new blog on the new site. In effect, I will be posting on both platforms for a short while.
Now, as with any website redesign, we are sure there are broken links and other issues we have not found ourselves, so please post a comment letting me know if you see something that isn’t working. If you see a page that links back to a blog post, that may not be working correctly if the original blog is not on online. (There is no assurance TypePad won't be hit again by another attack -- but let's hope not.) We are also testing type sizes and other features, so you may see some differences on individual pages for a bit. Finally, I have other content to update on the site, but we plan to do that after the new site has been up and running smoothly.
Also, our online donation page has been redesigned by Network for Good to match the “look and feel” of this new website, and that will be rolled out on Monday morning. I did not want them to do it on a Friday in case something wasn’t working and it couldn’t be fixed over the weekend. Until Monday, then, the online donations page will continue to look like the old website.
2014 Shelter Challenge Underway
The second round of the Shelter Challenge for 2014 is underway. You can vote every day here. To search for us, type in our name, Rolling Dog Farm, and Lancaster, NH 03584. We've won thousands of dollars in the previous contests, so your daily votes do bring in serious money for our disabled animals!
Please note that I cannot help with technical or voting problems. I also do not have an "inside track" to anyone at the Shelter Challenge, and I don't know any more about the contest than anyone else does. So if you find yourself having issues, please consult their FAQ page here and their Rules page, which is a pop-up you can find linked on this page.
Thanks for your votes!
What wonderful people. So enjoy your blog. Great writings. Keep doing what you are doing for us and for the animals. You are truly angels from above.
Posted by: tr weerts | April 26, 2014 at 11:03 AM