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« I'm Going To Do It My Way | Main | Miss Remission »

February 03, 2014


Well, just call him Wilbur the Widdler. Maybe things will tighten up again over time. If not, I'm sure you know all the strategies for dealing with this. Glad his blood pressure is behaving.

You've been baptized, Alayne. You now join those of us that have been truly "blessed". Maybe you need to get some "piddle pads" for you to wear on your chest when holding the little man. Speaking of blessings, blessings to you all!

There's a cummerbund you will find on the net. It won't help much with a super full bladder but it sure helps with drippage. Also -- I squeeze the pee out of my disabled doxie but it may not work with a dog that has strong abs. There's a water balloon in there, I suppose it's kind of like milking a very small goat and once you get the hang of it it's really easy. But you guys are so vet savvy that that you may have already know all this. That Wilbie needs his cuddles -- I hope you can figure out how to avoid getting peed on. Maybe putting a fat towel on Alayne is the ticket!

Glad to hear that Wilbur's blood pressure is ok. He's such a wonderful little fella. I've seen doggie diapers with some pretty cool designs that could make Wilbur a doggie fashion plate!

What a sweetie --- RDF is a true sanctuary of love and labor for these lovely ones. How old is Wilbur now? I admire you and Alayne tremendously!!!!!!!!


Poor little Wilbur. Glad his blood pressure is stable even though he is having his other issues. It's a good thing he's so wonderful and adorable. It makes it that much easier to love him all the more. He's such a nice little guy. Maybe a few piddle pads on his bed would help. He's lucky to have a wonderful place to live where he is so loved - by more people than he will ever know.

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