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« Wilbur Update | Main | Stay Out Of My House »

February 05, 2014



Oh no Jenny, did Gabe die???

Yea, Widget! Such good news!

I am so thrilled for all of you! It's been such a tough slog this fall and winter. You go guys!

Long live the queen!!

Roo roo roo Widge! REMISSION is the BEST word! You go girl! With many thanks to Steve, Alayne, and your awesome medical team!

That is awesome news! I'm so glad to hear - yay Widget!

Woohoooo Widget!!! You are one of my favorites! (Actually...every living creature is my favorite at RDF!) So glad to hear that your doing so good.
With much love....
The McRoberts clan....Paul, Jenny, Kaylee, Ella,and Kelsey.

What great news. Widget is a tough girl. When I get that pose from our rescue beagle it comes with a look that says "this beagle belly isn't going to rub itself minion".

That is awesome news!! Widget is definitely rolling with pleasure. You go, girl!

Way to go Widget! Of course you are worth it. Now stay well!

Hooray for Widget! That's wonderful news. She seems to be very happy about it.


Thank you for trying so hard for Widget. May she have a long time still with you folks.

YAAAAY WIDGIE!!!!! You are one blessed Beagle!

Mom and Dad sure are special, taking such good care of you and loving you so much. They have saved your life many times over, and I am sure you have given back to them a thousandfold. You sure give a lot to all of us out on the interwebz too.


Yeah Widget! Yes, so worth it - she is a special girl. Thank you so much for seeing she has gotten such amazing care!

Go Widget, go Widget!

Yea for Widget - you must be SO relieved! I just love that little dog and look forward to seeing cute pics like this for a long time! :)

That's terrific news about Widget. She is, by far, the rollingest dog I've ever seen. You can tell she is truly happy and enjoys her life. Smart girl!

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