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« Finally, His Oral Surgery | Main | Wilbur Update »

January 29, 2014


We can learn so much from the furry kids. They keep marching on and enjoying life, no matter what obstacles occur.

Love you Miss Sophie. Thank you Rolling Dog Farm for being such a positive example. Fur kids are not disposable. They need to be cared for too!!!! Hugs to Steve and Alayne!!!!

Love you Miss Sophie!

Well, it's good that Sophie is remaining cheerful throughout all this. She probably loves being visited at 2am for an extra dose of attention, and will wonder why you don't keep doing it. She certainly looks happy. Hope her system settles down soon!

Sophie is so very cute! Just love the 'capsize' picture - very typical for a dachshund.
Blessings to both Steve and Alayne for that they do each and every day for each animal in their care! The world is a better place because of you two!

Getting up at 2AM - that reminds me of when I had little babies! But Sophie is a sweet baby too - hope she continues to feel and act well in spite of tests and expectations!

sorry about the caps


I'm sending healing thoughts for Sophie. With the wonderful care that you and Alayne give to all your furkids, I know that you and the vets will get her insulin situation straightened out soon. It's such a good sign that she's still acting her usual self. That last picture is great...she's sure not concerned! :)

I'm glad Sophie is acting fine with her diabetes and it's only the humans that are going crazy with it. You guys are really have a time. My love and thoughts are with you and all the angels that frazzle you.

Her way, indeed! Hope Miss Sophie can get things leveled out. Kudos once more to you and Alayne for being so vigilant in helping these little souls get happy and healthy.

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