Bugsy had heard the old cliche about "even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while," and he set out to prove that even a blind dog can tree a squirrel once in a while.
But this time Alayne saw him running around the base of the big spruce tree in circles, head up, barking at something in the tree. As she got closer, she could hear the loud and annoyed chattering of a squirrel. Yes, Bugsy had managed to tree a squirrel:
And he wasn't letting the squirrel come down. As Alayne moved in with the camera to get a closer shot, the squirrel looked right at Alayne and his chattering became even more insistent ... as if he were saying, "Lady, will you get that confounded dog out of here so I can come down?!?"
Bowing to the wishes of the treed squirrel, Alayne took a triumphant Bugsy back inside with her. I'm sure Mr. Squirrel went home and told Mrs. Squirrel, "You won't believe what happened to me today."
Final 2013 Shelter Challenge Underway
The final round of the Shelter Challenge for 2013 began on October 28th and runs until December 22. You can vote every day here. To search for us, type in our name, Rolling Dog Farm, and Lancaster, NH 03584. We just won another $1,000 in the previous round, so your daily votes do bring in serious money for our disabled animals!
Please note that I cannot help with technical or voting problems. I also do not have an "inside track" to anyone at the Shelter Challenge, and I don't know any more about the contest than anyone else does. So if you find yourself having issues, please consult their FAQ page here and their Rules page, which is a pop-up you can find linked on this page.
Thanks for your votes!
Very cute
Posted by: Ev | November 06, 2013 at 03:46 PM
Seeing these cute pictures and the way Bugsy is standing, I started imagining Bugsy and my dog Radar forming a "squirrel treeing team". Between the 2 of them, there wouldn't be a squirrel bothering anyone in a tree anywhere in my backyard or my neighbors' backyards. Radar is a treeing dog and stands exactly like Bugsy.
Thanks for sharing Bugsy with us!
Posted by: Ann | November 04, 2013 at 09:02 PM
Bugsy looks so good!!!
Posted by: Jacq Holder | November 04, 2013 at 07:49 PM
Bugsy wanted to show that although he has turned into a mush with you he is still a rough tough guy. This picture does show what a little guy he is. I can't believe he is your lone watchdog. I figured it was pandemonium at RDF whenever anyone other than the regulars showed up.
Posted by: Bob | November 04, 2013 at 06:33 PM
Good work Bugsy! We certainly can't have any pesky squirrels trespassing in our trees. Now that he has achieved this feat, no doubt he will do it again and again, until the legend spreads among the local squirrel population.
Posted by: Tonya Allen | November 04, 2013 at 05:57 PM
It's nice to know you've got a good watchdog there. And he's so darn cute, too. You wouldn't even know he was blind in that pose at the base of the tree. Except I'm not sure sure he's really looking in the direction of the squirrel. But he's a good watchdog, nonetheless. And it was good to see Bugsy; it's been a while.
Posted by: Barb Ribinski | November 04, 2013 at 12:43 PM
A dog being a dog. That is what people need to know about what a blind animal can do...They can be who they are. Good boy Bugsy.
Posted by: Anne in FL | November 04, 2013 at 12:42 PM