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« Cats Stealing Dog Beds | Main | Hard To Resist »

November 11, 2013


Such a little sweetheart. We will continue sending healing energy to you.

I'm so happy to hear that she is tolerating the treatment. My precious Berta Beagle passed 2 years ago from Lymphoma. It was diagnosed too late to do treatment but I am so glad that there is a treatment out there that works. Hang in their Widget there's many more snow days for you!!!!

Widget!!!💗💗💗Keep it up!

Glad to hear the Widget is feeling well enough to continue running things at RDF. Every day is a blessing and she is getting the most out of them. I'm keeping up with current events from Florence while on vacation. Can't afford to miss a High Commander Widget update.

Widget you ROCK!!!

Happy news!

love Widget! We 2-legged creatures can learn a lot from our 4-legged friends. Seize the day, Widget! Make every day count! Kick cancer in the butt-ski and show it who is boss !!!!!

A dog enjoying the snow is a beautiful sight! Glad to hear that the Woo-Dog is feeling so good.

I need to take a tip from Widget myself!

Woo-Hoo! If we humans could just have a bit of this joy in the minute! Go Widget!!

Sweet Widget! May you continue to feel good as the treatment continues. We are so happy to see you enjoying the first snowfall.

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