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« You Get That Squirrel | Main | Cats Stealing Dog Beds »

November 06, 2013


Hi Buddy & Susan,
Oooh! Extra large velvet ears are the BEST! What a wonderful, loving match. Hugs!

It is obvious Buddy has been very well taken care of. Way to go Susan. Pet those velvet ears for us.

Thank you for sending the picture Susan. What a beautiful, happy boy you have!

Buddy does look fabulous, doesn't he?

It's quite clear Susan has been taking very good care of him. God bless her!

Gorgeous dog. Thanks for sharing such a great story about how wonderful and rich life can be for blind animals...and enriching for those entrusted to care for them.


I love to see stories and pictures of the RDF alumni. Buddy is one gorgeous boy and looks wonderful! Thanks to you for giving him a great start in life and Susan for adopting him!

What a handsome young-looking boy! He seems very content. Great to get an update on Buddy.

Wow! Buddy has such an adorable face. He's the type of dog that you just want to give a big old bear hug to. How cute he is!

That is wonderful. He sure looks great!

Very heartwarming! Thanks for sharing and a big thank you to Susan for adopting that sweet boy!


What a beautiful dog Buddy was and still is! He doesn't seem to have aged at all. He's one of those big dogs you just want to hug. Thank you Susan for the update and photo.

That is so encouraging. How wonderful he has enjoyed such a great life, which all began with you all!

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