I had noted in an earlier blog post that Darla had broken Rule No. 1 soon after arriving here: no dogs allowed in my ancient, woe-begon-but-still-beloved recliner. She quickly claimed it as her own, and I surrendered almost as quickly.
She broke Rule No. 2 -- no dogs in our bedroom -- shortly after that, with a little help from Alayne. One morning Alayne had gotten out of bed before me and was in the kitchen fixing breakfast. She saw Darla outside our bedroom, staring at the door, wondering what had happened to me. Alayne opened the door and said "Get your dad!" The next thing I knew, Darla had bounded across the floor, leaped on the bed, and plopped herself down next to sleepy me. She rolled over and waited for me to rub her tummy.
I still held fast to Rule No. 3, though, which was: No dogs on the second floor of the people wing. This is where our two offices are, along with a small spare room. The second floor is one of only three areas where we have carpet in the house, and it seems certain dogs (Aurora, we're looking at you!) find the carpet a nice alternative to going outside to pee. We've let dogs up there in the past, and sooner or later came to regret it for that reason.
Well, Miss Darla likes to follow me around, so she would head up the stairs behind me when I went to my office. I felt guilty about closing the gate on her and leaving her sitting on the stairs. I couldn't do it. So she began coming into my office with me and sitting under my desk.
It started out as a day room for her while I was upstairs ... then became her bedroom at night ... and these days it's just known as "Darla's Room." It's hers whenever she wants it.
And though it may be her bed and her room now, she still expects (and gets) a rub-down whenever we walk by and see her in there. The sound of a gentle tail-thumping on the bed summons us, and we attend to her needs. Some things are just meant to be.
But if she wants me to buy her a tiara, that's where I'm drawing the line. Rule No. 4: No tiaras on dogs.
New Shelter Challenge Begins
The latest round of the Shelter Challenge is underway and runs until October 13. You can vote every day here. To search for us, type in our name, Rolling Dog Farm, and Lancaster, NH 03584.
They have redesigned the contest site and made other changes. Please note that I cannot help with technical or voting problems. I also do not have an "inside track" to anyone at the Shelter Challenge, and I don't know any more about the contest than anyone else does. So if you find yourself having issues, please consult their FAQ page here and their Rules page, which is a pop-up you can find linked on this page.
Thanks for your votes!
One of my dogs taught me how to fetch & would lay for hours in a point showing where the chew toy football was that HE had hidden ( it's in the corner dummy behind the stinkin' chair. ) Took my very dog-wise girlfriend to point it out , while she absolutely howled with laughter ...We never stopped the game & I still haven't found the last football 14 yrs later.
Posted by: Roz S | October 17, 2013 at 07:46 PM
Sweet Darla stole my heart within the first 5 minutes of seeing her at our local shelter. It was such joy to hear the thumping of her tail; her ready for the belly rub before I could even open the kennel gate. I was unaware of RDF before learning that Darla and Zach would be coming to you. I knew there was the possibility of them regaining their sight, but never realized the complete devotion and unconditional love they would be given. RDF is doggie heaven on earth. You two are amazing!!! Thank you for all you do for these wonderful animals.
Posted by: Pamela Payne | October 01, 2013 at 12:49 PM
Really, how could you deny that sweet face anything. She not only won the battle (of the chair), looks like it's "winner take all".
Posted by: Janet | September 30, 2013 at 05:10 PM
Dogs sure know cozy, and she is right at home there in her own little bed next. Who could ask her to move. How very sweet. Hugs to dear Darla!
Posted by: Margaret | September 30, 2013 at 05:47 AM
I bet one of the next Blog will be Darla with a tiara...never say never....
Posted by: Shirley * James/Portland, OR | September 29, 2013 at 04:25 PM
Is that the cutest.....Darla rules in more ways than one!!!!
Posted by: Shirley * James/Portland, OR | September 29, 2013 at 04:25 PM
Maybe not a tiara, but pearls are nice and so very understated, like our sweet Miss Darla. Smooches!
Posted by: Kathleen Rivard | September 27, 2013 at 11:22 AM
Ah,just who is learning what in this lesson? I think the human is learning to make better rules. No Tiaras is definitely a better rule. Good job Darla for finally teaching Steve what are appropriate dog rules!!
Posted by: Diane Borden, Chehalis, WA | September 27, 2013 at 11:01 AM
Darla obviously had a bed to sleep on during her pre-Rolling Dog Farm life. You are so sweet to let her continue in her comfort zone (literally). All dogs should be so lucky to live at Rolling Dog with you and Alayne.
Posted by: Chris | September 26, 2013 at 07:49 PM
Darla has the right idea. No stinkin' dog bed for me, she says. I ain't no doggy. I'm a 4 legged people!! I need a real people bed!!!
Posted by: Penny | September 26, 2013 at 06:40 PM
This is cracking me up. We have a Darla also who we call "The D" as in "The Queen". In our home it is also all about "The D". She rules; we jump! Long live the Queens..I mean "The Ds". :-)
Posted by: Renee | September 26, 2013 at 02:26 PM
Sounds just like my mom-in-law who was not happy to see our dogs on our furniture..wouldn't happen in HER house..until..dad and mom-in-law got their own dog who ended up sleeping not only on the furniture but also in the bed between them with his very own blankie. Dog rules are made by people so dogs can have a goal to reach!
Posted by: Barb | September 26, 2013 at 02:23 PM
Thank you for loving all the sweet animals
Posted by: Anita Maloney | September 26, 2013 at 12:09 PM
You're a full fledged bearded softie and love mush dude. When you go by Darla's room, give her a belly rub from us out here.
Posted by: Miranda Brooks | September 26, 2013 at 12:06 PM
But I have the perfect tiara for Princess Darla, just waiting for her!
Posted by: Dawn | September 26, 2013 at 10:35 AM
What a great post. I love Darla, she has worked herself right into my heart! I agree with several others, a tiara may be in her future. Princess Darla.
Posted by: Dee in KY | September 26, 2013 at 07:52 AM
Yup. No Tiara’s. Totally not happening - one has to draw the line somewhere! You are to be congratulated on your stern but fair discipline.
Posted by: plus.google.com/113716274968985438675 | September 26, 2013 at 07:29 AM
Ha, ha, ha....thanks for the laugh
Hugs and tummy rubs!
Posted by: Glends | September 26, 2013 at 03:43 AM
This post just made me smile so big! Just have to love love love Darla!! She knows a soft heart when she sees it :)
Posted by: Ann | September 25, 2013 at 11:22 PM
Oh, I needed that! Thanks for the yucks Steve...glad to see Darla is doing so well.
Posted by: Lisa | September 25, 2013 at 08:02 PM
I think we should take bets on when Rule No. 4 turns into Rule No. 5!! She has you wrapped around her fuzzy little paw, and I would be the same way.....ya gotta love her!
Posted by: Leila K. - Belfair, WA | September 25, 2013 at 07:50 PM
I think we all can see that Darla has won a place in your hearts. It's wonderful she found her way to you. She will give you plenty of things to smile about.
Posted by: Betsy | September 25, 2013 at 07:41 PM
good girl Darla! you have them trained well :)
Posted by: Jolene | September 25, 2013 at 07:15 PM
What a great post! Darla is definitely the expert at using winning ways to ease her way into your heart, your bed, your office, your spare room... Luckily she doesn't seem like the tiara kind of girl, or I'd bet she'd soon be wearing one. What a sweetie!
Just received the latest newsletter and enjoyed reading about some more Originals. Loved the photo of Travis in mid-flight!
Posted by: Tonya Allen | September 25, 2013 at 06:47 PM
Someboday is S-P-O-I-L-E-D but we won't name any names will we Miss Darla......haha.....I am sure you are worth every single moment of it!
Posted by: KCMarla | September 25, 2013 at 02:28 PM
Darla's room. I never thought I would hear Steve say that. So much for sharing a chair. Now the princess has her own room. Of course closing the door to that spare room and adding a dog bed in your office isn't an option, I guess. Boy, she sure has you guys trained well. (and we knew that would happen from the very beginning!)
Posted by: Barb Ribinski | September 25, 2013 at 02:16 PM
My dogs have me trained well, too.
Posted by: Shirley and dachshunds Sunnie & Dieter | September 25, 2013 at 01:40 PM
Good Morning from *Sunny* Vancouver, BC...I am in LOVE with this *darling diva Darla dog*...I would send you a tiara if you would permit! xox
Posted by: Valerie | September 25, 2013 at 11:53 AM
Awww, c'mon. What can make a girl feel any more special than a tiara? I mean, seriously!
Let's see how long Rule No. 4 lasts....
Posted by: Tammy | September 25, 2013 at 11:42 AM
Any takers on how soon Miss Darla gets a tiara?
Posted by: Vicki T | September 25, 2013 at 10:59 AM
Darla says she prefers pink diamonds when you order her tiara.
Posted by: Lynn (in Louisiana) | September 25, 2013 at 10:54 AM
Sounds familiar!
Posted by: Phyllis Snow | September 25, 2013 at 09:22 AM
Oh that is so funny. Isn't it amazing how your furry "kids" train us so well. Love it. You rock Miss Darla.
Posted by: Karen | September 25, 2013 at 08:20 AM