Alayne and I had gone out to bring the goats in from browsing the other evening, and noticed as we walked up to the gate that two of the young males were having a grand time sorting out who was top dog ... um, top goat. This was just pure fun. Both boys have been neutered and no girls were in heat. There's just nothing like a game of let's-butt-heads to while away the time waiting for humans to take us back to the barn.
I only had my phone camera with me so I couldn't get any more action shots -- they moved too fast. But while rearing up like this, they visually line the other guy up and then come crashing down, head to head. Sometimes one goat fakes it and at the last possible second shifts to the left or right, just before impact. Other times they'll make a glancing blow, as if both silently agreed to do it just for show. Much of the time, though, foreheads meet with quite a thud.
After several rounds while we stood there, the black one -- named Beethoven, I guess because his mom is Melody and his sister is Harmony and we didn't want to name him Rhythm -- pulled a new stunt and came down on his friend's back. Around and around they went, like a bronc trying to throw a rider:
New Shelter Challenge Begins
The latest round of the Shelter Challenge is underway and runs until October 13. You can vote every day here. To search for us, type in our name, Rolling Dog Farm, and Lancaster, NH 03584.
They have redesigned the contest site and made other changes. Please note that I cannot help with technical or voting problems. I also do not have an "inside track" to anyone at the Shelter Challenge, and I don't know any more about the contest than anyone else does. So if you find yourself having issues, please consult their FAQ page here and their Rules page, which is a pop-up you can find linked on this page.
Thanks for your votes!
Never a dull moment when you have goats! I like the stripey markings on some of their faces, very pretty.
Posted by: Tonya Allen | August 28, 2013 at 06:38 PM
So funny! Thanks for catching these shots!
Posted by: Leila K. - Belfair, WA | August 28, 2013 at 04:51 PM
Hi All! I just went to the vote page and then the standings. Our response is miserable since they changed the way we vote. Have also seen several posts stating the difficulty in voting sooooo....
When you click on the link provided by Rolling dog for the first time, search and find Rolling dog Farm. Click on VOTE and then fill in the Captcha. The NEXT day when you go to the page, look directly under the purple links bar....there you will see your choice along with a VOTE button. Just click on vote! Let's get Rolling Dog Farm closer to the top of the barrel!
Posted by: Sylve M Davis | August 28, 2013 at 10:15 AM
"Boys will be boys!" I love goats! I find the females quite sweet.
Posted by: Kathleen Rivard | August 28, 2013 at 10:15 AM