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« Anyone Got A Napkin I Can Borrow? | Main | Blog Break »

August 28, 2013


Never a dull moment when you have goats! I like the stripey markings on some of their faces, very pretty.

So funny! Thanks for catching these shots!

Hi All! I just went to the vote page and then the standings. Our response is miserable since they changed the way we vote. Have also seen several posts stating the difficulty in voting sooooo....
When you click on the link provided by Rolling dog for the first time, search and find Rolling dog Farm. Click on VOTE and then fill in the Captcha. The NEXT day when you go to the page, look directly under the purple links bar....there you will see your choice along with a VOTE button. Just click on vote! Let's get Rolling Dog Farm closer to the top of the barrel!

"Boys will be boys!" I love goats! I find the females quite sweet.

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