This girl who came to us a few months ago completely blind can now see again! Yes, Darla's cataract surgery was a success and her vision is restored. I took that photo of her at lunch on Sunday, where she was giving me the (new) stare-down over what she thought I should be sharing with her. (Share I did.)
It used to be that when I was finished eating and would have a treat or two left for her, I'd put it on a fork, bring it over to her, and say "gentle ... gentle" as I guided it towards her mouth. She would carefully open her mouth and gently take the morsel. I learned on Saturday, as she suddenly leaped up to grab the morsel off the fork, that I need to update the technique.
I went back to Burlington on Friday to pick her up at the eye clinic. I was in the exam room, going over the discharge instructions with the vet tech, Rachel, when the ophthalmologist, Dr. Jamieson, brought Darla down the hall and opened the door. I looked at Darla and called her name. "Darla, honey, it's me!" She looked up and her tail started wagging. I crouched down, and she walked right over to me and pressed her head into my lap. She stood there, tail wagging, leaning into me. I don't know what was going through her head, but my emotions were getting the better of me and my eyes started welling up. I just couldn't believe we were able to give this beautiful girl her eyesight back.
A short while later, Darla and I were in the van and headed back to New Hampshire.
After we returned to the farm and I let her out in the front yard, she went over to the water bucket and started drinking. Blind Sophie came over to check her out. Darla looked down at this long-haired, low-slung Dachshund, cocked her head, and stared at Sophie with this puzzled looked. You could tell she was thinking, "Oh, so that's what you look like! Who knew?"
You may notice Darla is not wearing a cone in the photo. The clinic staff found that Darla completely freaks out when you try and put a cone on her. (We'd never needed to do it before.) She gets so stressed and upset that the doctor decided to leave it off. Fortunately, Darla has not pawed at her eyes or rubbed them, so we have (so far) been able to leave her cone-free.
Darla had a pressure spike in her right eye after the surgery, which is why she's on glaucoma medications as well. Those meds have kept her pressure normal, but she may need to stay on them. I am fortunately able to monitor her eye pressure daily with our Tono-Pen, so we'll know if things start getting out of whack.
We're still getting used to Darla being able to see. The one time she ventured up the stairs when she was blind, she was too terrified to come down them. I had to carry her down. But last night, when I carried blind Widget up the stairs to her room, I heard footsteps coming up behind me. I looked down and there was Darla, happily following me. I thought, "Uh oh, how will she do with the stairs going down?" After putting Widget in her crate, I went back down the stairs, nervously looking over my shoulder. No need to worry: here came Darla, trotting right along behind me.
This morning, when I came upstairs to my office to write this post, Darla came with me. I don't think she was actually following me, however, but the oatmeal cookie I was holding. Satisfied that I had nothing left to share, she retreated down the stairs to her chair.
As I've said before, we don't often get the chance to restore vision, but when we do, it's a life-changer for these wonderful dogs. It's thanks to all of you, because it's your donations that make this kind of miracle possible. On behalf of Darla and the rest of us here, thank you!
If you're thinking about getting a dog, but aren't sure you want to make the commitment, try become a
foster home for one. Many homeless and abused animals are waiting in shelters for someone
to adopt them and with over-crowding, resources are slim.
You can foster one to help out the cause and find out if you want to keep one!
Posted by: Quentin | August 04, 2013 at 10:09 AM
Congrats, Darla!!
Posted by: Barbara A. Bessey | July 31, 2013 at 10:46 PM
This is one of the things that makes your heart sing. To imagine coming out of a world of darkness and being able to see is just the best. Hope, hope, hope her eye pressure stays normal. I am so thankful to you good people who help these wonderful creatures!!
Posted by: Kathy Greene | July 31, 2013 at 02:56 PM
I'm away and without much computer access, so when I was able to get on and I saw this, I was so happy!!! How wonderful for Darla and for all of you. Let the new adventures begin!
Posted by: Ann | July 31, 2013 at 12:03 AM
Priceless! It just doesn't get any better than that sweet, and penetrating, stare, knowing Darla can see again! She is such a doll!
What joy to have that moment of recognition, and thanks. Tears of joy all around. Such happy news!
Posted by: Margaret | July 30, 2013 at 06:20 PM
What you do for each and every animal you care for, is absolutely amazing! Thank you.
Having been through cataract surgery with one of my dogs before, I recognize that kind of a schedule of meds well. The challenging part that many people won't appreciate is the requisite 5 minutes between each drop. And then doing it all over again, for a total of 3 times per day, it becomes a major undertaking. Plus you have many other animals with medical needs. I only had one dog with one eye needing meds and I was frazzled. When do you sleep?
Posted by: Carol | July 30, 2013 at 01:21 PM
This is such wonderful news! Made my day too....have to admit I was taking a sip of coffee while I was reading it and came to the part about you asking Darla if you were as handsome as she thought you'd be, and almost blew coffee out my nose! I started laughing so hard! (Not that you aren't handsome, of course, just that it hit me funny - yikes, I better quit while I'm behind here!) Thanks again for the love and care you give them all. So happy!
Posted by: Leila K. - Western WA | July 30, 2013 at 01:02 PM
.....Tears of happiness....for precious Darla......."Oh Darla, the things you'll see" xoxox
Posted by: Valerie | July 30, 2013 at 11:34 AM
It is so gratifying to read all the things that you and your co-workers do to make the lives of these special animals so much better. Keep up the good work!
Posted by: eileen mcdonald | July 30, 2013 at 11:21 AM
I am overwhelmed and so happy for Darla and you guys! This is so great! Thank YOU!!!
Posted by: Dawn | July 30, 2013 at 10:58 AM
This post sounds an awful lot like you have yourself a new minion at the farm Steve....a daddy's girl maybe?
Posted by: KCMarla | July 30, 2013 at 10:44 AM
It'll be hard to believe if Darla is there for very long before she's adopted. That is, if you can let her go. I would not be able to part with any of them but especially her. There's obviously something going on between you two.
Posted by: Stu Kertiss | July 30, 2013 at 08:56 AM
What a wonderful sight, seeing Darla looking up and actually seeing again! Thank you so much for what you have been able to give this wonderful, loving dog. So glad that Darla was able to finally get to RDF and given a second chance.
Posted by: Pamela Payne | July 30, 2013 at 08:19 AM
Now that Darla has gotten a look at "her" chair she thinks it's a bit seedy. She wants you to re-cover it ASAP.
Posted by: Bob | July 30, 2013 at 06:22 AM
I cannot even imagine what it must be like for a dog to go from blind to seeing again. How wonderful that she has had this opportunity to see where she is going. LOL about the food treats. Yes indeed, a new technique!
Posted by: Dee in KY | July 30, 2013 at 06:21 AM
What incredible, incredible news---I fell in love with Darla from the first blog post. Boy, what a full time job after a pet has surgery!!! That is quite the intense schedule!!! LOVE DARLA....LOVE RDF!!! SO INSPIRING!!!!!!
Posted by: Shirley * James/Portland, OR | July 30, 2013 at 02:56 AM
I can tell you what Darla was thinking when she first saw you, Steve. "This guy not only has a heart of gold, he's a looker too!"
Congrats on being able to give Darla her sight. What a precious gift!
Hugs all around,
Posted by: ginger | July 30, 2013 at 01:37 AM
What happy news - it made my day!!
Posted by: Julie and her Three Doxies | July 30, 2013 at 12:50 AM
This is wonderful news! It is, I imagine, extra special for you and others at RDF as Darla may be checking up on everyone daily. I started getting misty when I look at Darla's photo. She is a beautiful girl-just look into her eyes.
Posted by: Mary H. | July 29, 2013 at 07:27 PM
Fantastic! Thank you for caring and sharing Darla's story. XOXO
Posted by: Renee | July 29, 2013 at 05:40 PM
That's so wonderful! I'm so happy for you and Darla. I loved the part about Darla putting together Sophie's smell with her appearance. I'll bet that little vignette repeated itself quite a bit over the first few days. And she's got the Give It To Me stare down just perfectly. No way to resist that!
Posted by: Tonya Allen | July 29, 2013 at 04:48 PM
I admit I was holding my breath waiting for this blog. I was so hoping for it to be good news. And it was. Looking at the picture of Darla and knowing she can see just made my day. This is so wonderful.
Posted by: Betsy | July 29, 2013 at 04:40 PM
We see you seeing the camera and your dad what a great sight for all of us! Blessings!
Posted by: Miranda Brooks | July 29, 2013 at 04:08 PM
What wonderful news!!!!!
Posted by: Lynn (in Louisiana) | July 29, 2013 at 02:54 PM
Posted by: toni ezell | July 29, 2013 at 02:18 PM
How rewarding it must be to be able to give one of these delightful canine friends sight (again)! Thank you for sharing Darla's story.
Thank you for all the work you do for all these four-footed animals.
Posted by: Phyllis Snow | July 29, 2013 at 01:52 PM
Hurrah for Darla! What a great way to start my week!!!! Time to celebrate... oatmeal cookies for everyone.... including Darla!
Posted by: Penny Heinrich | July 29, 2013 at 01:42 PM
Darla is so beautiful, thank you so much for being able to allow her to see. She looks a little like Goldie.
Posted by: diana k | July 29, 2013 at 01:39 PM
Such a wonderful post to read. It puts a big smile on your face just knowing she can see again. And look at that sweet face. You just know she's happier than ever. And I'm not sure there's any chance that you will get your chair back. Maybe a small loveseat that you can share is in order?
Posted by: Barb Ribinski | July 29, 2013 at 01:20 PM
Awesome! Fantastic! Wonderful! THANK YOU!!
Posted by: Linda | July 29, 2013 at 12:29 PM
You are not the only one welling up!! This is so awesome. Check it all out Darla, you are so deserving. Thank you RDF for giving this beautiful girl her sight back :-)
Posted by: Shelly | July 29, 2013 at 12:23 PM