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« And Now ... Here's Zach! | Main | Almost There! »

May 28, 2013


Ah yes, the Sit Up And Beg routine. We trained our dog to do this on command, but it only took about one day for him to start doing it on his own initiative, at every opportunity. There is something irresistable about it, and they sure know it. All of your barbarians are very cute. I'd reward Darla for patience (or the appearance thereof), Bentley for posture, and Sophie for effort.

It's doggie hypnosis by telepathy: "Give us treats. Go on, you know you want to...."

Does it work?"

Can...Not...Resist! All that cuteness is good for many treats I'm sure!

They're all so cute! And I just love a begging dachshund!

ALL such darlings!

At least they all agree on being well-behaved while they are working on charming you!

You got a great picture of the barbarians.

Whatta team! Great focus. Simply irresistible!

Looks like Team Treat to me....or maybe it's Show and Tell?

How in the heck do you keep your floors so clean?

It must be hard to resist such an adorable trio. Sophie is being her usual sweet self. She really can 'sit pretty"!

ha...ha.....ha....just TOO funny you guys!! What an adorable little trio of sweetpies!!

You guys have such self control. I wouldbe a sucker every time!

ALL of the above methods work at my house......

Or learn to open those little doors on the bottom....

I hope it worked...

If these are barbarians then they are the most well behaved barbarians I've ever seen. And they're darn cute, too. Seems like Sophie has it all worked out.

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