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« My Spleen Is A Beautiful Thing | Main | And Now ... Here's Zach! »

May 19, 2013


That's wonderful

I once met an ox named Northern Spy; he went by Spy for short. He was named after his favorite apple.

So beautiful. I love apple trees. Does there happen to be an old-fashioned cider press lurking in one of the farm buildings??

Love how you are using the land for its best use!!! From Ranchers to Farmers!

Beautiful! Nothing like an apple straight off the tree. I'll be the horses will be happy to help you harvest? :)

Loaded with blossoms! And how horses love apples.....wonderful!

How beautiful! Hope you and the horses enjoy a bumper crop this year.

aaahhh... what a way to make a living! I wish you trees a long and fruitful life with her help and your good care for them <3

Beautiful pictures! How nice that you're able to look out the window and see those lovely trees every day. I hope you get a bumper crop of apples this year...I'm sure the horses will be happy!

The trees are beautiful and amazing - I can almost smell the blossoms from here! Hope they produce a large crop for you. Thanks for sharing.

What beautiful trees. Love the Northern Spy! I love this time of year and most especially the beautiful trees, fruitful or otherwise. I have a dwarf meyer lemon tree but because of where I live I have to keep it indoors about 8 months a year. But the aroma, the blooms and the lemons are all worth it! To paraphrase an old poem - there's nothing as lovely as a tree!

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