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April 08, 2013


That's always the way it is (even with us humans)...get to the doctor and everything shows up normal. I'm glad Wilbur is feeling good now and hope all remains that way for this precious guy!

Good Morning dear Wilbur - gosh tests are just NO fun are they? I'm sure you got LOTS of hugs and were royally treated by the staff at the clinic though xoxox

That's very strange indeed. Hopefully an anomaly that never happens again. And Wilbur, no more snacking on jelly doughnuts right before your vet appointment...

I am a fool for this little guy. He is such a charmer. I wonder if maybe he likes car rides and time with the girls at the clinic? Just a thought! Many hugs to The Wilbster!

Love you Wilbur. Stay healthy little guy!

Don't you just hate it when you have all the tests and bazinga, everything's normal. Go figure. Guess it's called the Practice of medicine for a reason!

That's just really strange. Let's hope it was a one-time anomaly and never happens again.

Poor Wilbur. We can't let anything happen to everyone's favorite. (well, OK, my favorite!) It was very odd that all that happened, but it may have been the new blood pressure medication. At least, let's hope so and hope the new one won't cause any other issues. We'll wait to hear an update on the little guy in a few weeks.

Darling little Wilbur! He's so tiny and cute - I just want to hug him.....glad things are balancing out for him in his health issues.

The Mystery that is Wilbur! He's on track now so prayers for him to stay in there. And for all at the Farm.

Hey, Wilbur, no more mysteries, please. Just live happily and healthily and long.

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