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« Scamp At The Eye Doctor | Main | My Eyes Are Clear And Bright. And I Can See Again! »

March 05, 2013


So glad things will be working out well for both Scamp and Wilbur. Thanks for taking such good care of them as always!

Oh sweet Wilbur! Our Mink has high blood pressure and 1/2 a pill a day keeps the Vet away. Thanks for the update---such a darling boy!

Wilbur's such a little thing! And looks like he is a good boy at the vet. Sorry to hear about his blood pressure, but at least it is treatable.

Hugs and kisses to that sweet little guy.xoxoxo

I still have a huge crush on Wilbur! RDF treats these little souls like the rock stars they are and the skilled veterinarians that help you are an extra blessing. RDF rocks!
PS-extra hug to the Wilbster.

Welcome to my world Wilber. Maybe we'll take a nap together sometime!

Wilbur is so adorable! Even when he's getting the ultrasound his little tongue is sticking out. You just want to hug him and kiss his little face. I hope the meds for the blood pressure do the trick. We want the little fellow to be healthy and happy for a long time to come. Thanks, Steve, for taking such good care of the furry kids.

Poor sweet little Wilbur......he's so adorable!

Hopefully he'll be getting better once he's on his meds. Boy, you sure had a travel-day! Sending less stress and a smoother week!

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