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« Good Cat Hunting | Main | Scamp At The Eye Doctor »

February 25, 2013


I've been wondering how my "fellow Southerners" have taken to the snow. Thank you for showing us how Bentley is livin' large in the cold, white stuff - - cute!

It's good to hear Bentley is feeling at home and turning into an explorer. He's certainly had to adjust to a big change, from the deep south to the snowy north. He's a cute little thing. I actually haven't noticed the spacing between paragraphs. You have an eye for perfection! I'm always focused on your wonderful stories and beautiful photos.

How exciting that Bentley is coming out of his shell. Just imagine how much fun he'll have outside once the snow is gone and there are all kinds of spring smells around to investigate. I sort of wondered if he really found his way back to the ramp or just happened by it. Either way, he probably now knows the way which helps him be braver and less fearful every day. Good job Bentley! And I never noticed any issue with the paragraphs breaks and I'm sorry you are struggling with it. I don't think your blog readers care what it looks like as long as the words are there so don't do more than you have to. we're good on this side. Thanks.

Steve, your blog is always meticulous and typo-free. Don't worry about buggy programs--we all have to wrangle with them and we understand. Better you should spend time doing all the hard work for the critters, especially performing miracles like improving little Bentley's confidence to explore the great snowy unknown!

Yaaay! You guys won the weekly prize on the Shelter Challenge. Maybe set aside a special account to save up for a car wash blow dryer :)

Can't imagine how you all have the time to do everything you have to do for the animals, and then have the energy to do the posts, including all the fixes. GOD BLESS! Love snow-bunny Bentley!

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