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« Ring Around The ... Doxies | Main | 'It's Just A Dog. Get Over It.' »

November 29, 2012


My wife and I have adopted three Dachshunds from the Animal Rescue League of New Hampshire. One of the dogs was severly abused requiring surgeory to repair a broken back and healing two cracked ribs, left in a box outside in January. I can relate to why we need to give puppies such as Willy a new chance to live a comfortable life sleeping in front of the stove.
I now live alone with a fourth dachshund after my my wife of 37 years died last February. All four are special to me and all, like Willy have a new life with me. Thank you Rolling Dog Farm for being there doing God's work.

I seem to run across more and more animals that become homeless because their owners have passed. It's definitely something I think about with my own animals and something everyone should consider and try to plan for if they can ( life carries no guarantees for anyone of any age).
It's such a heartbreaking situation for these animals to be in.
I imagine Willie was very scared and confused, not to mention being in mourning over his person.

This is such a touching story. I am so happy that Willy has been saved and can enjoy a safe home for the rest of his life.

Happy Holidays Rolling Dog Farm! Wishing you continued support and success in all you do to help these beautiful animals. Am retiring in another week and hope to visit up to your farm sometime in 2013. Until then, please know that I will continue to support your vision.

WIlly's red squeeky toy is his world. Has he been singing for you. He loves to stomp on his toy and sing along with it. Him mom called it "Willy's aria".

Thank God WIlly made it to you. In fact you heard about Willy about a year ago from me. I took WIlly in for 4 months last year while his mom was in a hospital in Mass followed by extensive rehab. I offered to take Willy for her so she would have peace of mind. I have three dachshunds one was adopted at age 13. Finn was blind and deaf bald, pot-bellied and scared. He is now 18 y/o and has a pacemaker (placed two years ago). I took WIlly and planned to keep him. I have trained many dogs but Willy was a tough nut to crack. He would sit on my lap and kiss me one day but attack me the next for no reason. I used smell therapy and clicker training. Only positive reinforcement was used. I trained him to walk on a leash and do his business outside but he would then pee and poop in his dish and on his bed. I was honest with your group telling you that he was not house trained and can be a fear biter. At that time you were honest with me and told me that he would not work out. Looks like we were all wrong...and I'm happy to be so. Willy has kindness in his heart and LOVED his mom. I knew there would be a perfect fit for him somewhere. I'm so glad he made it to you.

So glad that Willy has found you again! I have a doxy mix that I rescued...I never had a smaller dog before and she's a cutie pie! I'm so glad that he's home with you all.

He'll be one of Alayne's minions in no time!

Welcome to the ranch Willy! You'll love it there!!

Hi Willy,
I've been blind since 6 months old (PRA) and have been lucky like you to have a family that loves me! I too love the feel of the sun on my face-- very soothing to us blind guys don't you think! Best wishes to you
Camo Doxtails

Brenda, Steve and Alayne are angels in my book. Thank you so much for rescuing this wonderful little doxie! I'm looking forward to hearing some Willie stories in the future.

I love the "Joe Cool" look on his face in the solarium. It looks like he is saying "yep I like it here but it's hard to get good help".

I am so glad that Willy had the fortunate set of circumstances that brought him to Rolling Dog Farm. Was his behavoir, before Rolling Dog, possibly that of mourning for his former people, whom he loved?

We have had the mourning problem for 2 non-related dogs who lived with us for years.

Over my more-than 70 years of dog "family-ship", (I hesitate to say "ownership" because my husband and I try to have our canine pets be full-fledged family members--consistent with rules of proper canine etiquette and human interaction and care) we have had two dogs come to live with us from loving families. Living situation and health problems were the reasons we offered these dogs a new home. In each case the dog went through about 7 MONTHS of mourning before each dog bonded with us. Each dog seemed to like what we did for them and they were responsive to what we asked of them but, at first, they kept missing something they had formerly had.

I was so pleased when I saw the warmth in their eyes when they looked at us as they began to act like we truely were THEIR family.

What a beautiful little dog. His soft brown fur just shines in the sun,and he seems so contented. Welcome home little guy.

I still think of Willy as my 8th dog! I love that boy as much as my other 7 babies. I miss him so much, I still cry! He is kind and sweet but takes some time to warm up to change. Willy was very loved by his human and when she went to hospice he was as good as dead.... I am honored that Willy found his way to my home and my heart. I learned so much more than I ever imagined I would from a blind dog! His original owner was shown pictures of Willy in his home with my family and I was told that in her last days she was able to finally rest easy knowing her baby was being loved! I would want the same for any of my babies!
Steve and Alayne are the real heros, the real angels. They save so many throw away animals... I am awed by their kindness and generosity!
I brought Willy to the best place on earth for a dog like him. With his bed and blankets and toys and even his water bowl that he couldn't tip over!
Willy will always have a place in my heart, always! I know that on the farm, he can have a real life, a good life! And as a mom we always want what's best for our babies even when it's hard for us!
Thank You Alayne and Steve!

Always glad to see a happy ending.

WHAT a terrific story I 'D rather a blind doxie, grey haired or a handicapped one!!! these are the little ones that DON 'T get that second look!!!YOu can t but help feel that you made the difference in a senior dogs life

I believe he is settling right in! The look on Willy's face "Are we done yet?" LOL Steve, Alayne and all rescuers, thank you!

That's amazing. I'm so glad Willy made it to you, and was in a much improved state when he did, thanks to Brenda. This is a great story, and really goes to show that you have to give rescue dogs time to calm down and show who they really are. Willy is so lucky that Brenda was there for him when he ran out of time at the shelter. Thank you Brenda! Welcome Willy to your forever home!

And he lived happily forever...

There are a few old adages that apply here---'Some things are just meant to be', 'Good things come to those who wait', 'A twist of fate'...and so on. But the bottom line is that you two, Willy and all the other finally lucky dogs and horses and...were destined to be together after all. Willy's finally in a perfect place and got it made:-)!!!

Thank you so very, very much for all you do for these wonderful little creatures!! They give their all to their humans & deserve the very best in life given to them. He was devastated by losing his human & home so he acted up. Who wouldn't have? I thank God he found his way to you!!!

Thank you Brenda for your compassion. You were rewarded for your kindness already knowing that Willy is in a wonderful environment with other happy dogs and has a chance to live the remainder of his life being loved and warm and well fed. And thank you Steve and Alayne for helping Willy and all the others at the Farm. Can't wait to see more happy photos of Willy with his new friends.

Welcome home Willy boy! It must have been a horrifying time to be in a place that wasn't home, scary dogs, different smells, death smells, different people all the time, constant coming and going, old schedule gone probably along with your old bed and dishes. No wonder you were terrified out of your mind. It's a stress-free environment now little man, unending love, patience, and play as you need and want it. Welcome home.


Is he adoptable or does he have a forever home there ?

I'm so disappointed that the "breed rescue" would only pull a plug-and-play dog.

But then there are people like Brenda who will take the time. Thank you so much.

A shelter, for any animal, is tough enough, but blind and scared in a shelter, well, you'd be real upset, too. You might not shine and show your best behavior. Enjoy your new life, little man.

What a beautiful story !
It seems in this so called perfect world, everyone and everything must be "perfect" ! No flaws what so ever! I try and put myself in that person's position and try to see what's it like. This poor dog has had so much heartbreak in it's life , yet was expected to act as if everything is normal...well for him, it wasn't! He needed to learn to trust, to find his way around, to be loved. I'm am so glad he has found a loving home and Thank you for taking him in !

We have a blind wiener too. He's fine and runs up the stairs completely by himself now. :) Loves the sunny spots too!

i'm not familiar with your does this mean that Willy is now yours and will live out his life there? or is this a foster type environment? which ever the case, so thankful that he is surrounded by loving and caring souls.

Absolutely wonderful!! God Bless Everyone involved in this circuitous miracle!

He's beautiful! What a sad waste it would have been if his little life had been extinguished. Yet again you have performed a miracle.

Scary that he was labeled unadoptable, and that this poor little guy almost didn't have a happy ending! Thank you Brenda, and thank you Rolling Dog Farm for taking him in. I know he will be soo happy! You guys are so awesome!

*Welcome Mr. Willy* to your new home...w-o-w- are you going to have FUN once you have settled in...congratulations to you and your new family members !!

What a truly heart warming story. Thank goodness for angels. Thanks goodness for RDF. Willy is quite the handsome fellow and I'm so happy for him.

Smiling through tears of gratitude for all the animal rescuers do. You are very special people indeed. God Bless.

Well, it was obviously meant to be!! What a twisted path to RDF, but he made it. Sounds a little like Bugsy, he'd had enough change!! Only this time it wasn't aggression, it was resistance. He wasn't going to walk on a leash, he wasn't going to get along with humans or other dogs. Till the magic of Brenda, and then the RDF. So, so glad you said yes to him.


You made a very good point--blind, his only human gone and moved into a new environment where no one knew him, Willy shut down. Thanks to his 'angel' and timing that was frighteningly close to the end of his life Willy is now at RDF. He will be safe and loved to the end of his days. Happy Ending!

As a human with a disability(born with only 50% of my hearing) I can relate to this poor creature. Society has the natural tendency to give up on those less fortunate than them in Willie's case being blind. These "special" little creatures have a big place in my heart for I know in a way what it is like to be treated as less than. Welcome Home little Willie. Welcome Home. XOXOXO

Thanks to Brenda who cared and took the chance on Willie. He is safe now in his new home and will continue to grow and trust. Thanks Steve and Alayne for all you do!

I'm crying tears of joy... Brenda is truly an angel and a month ago, sweet little Willy found two more angels to take great care of him!

He looks so peaceful, lying in the soft morning sunshine!

God bless you all!

Dogs have feeling too and I am sure when they lose their home and their human companions they must be so confused and scared wondering what happened and than to be blind on top of what a lot to handle. I always feel so sad when I read stories like that. I am glad Willy made his way to YOU guys, and a big thank you to Brenda as well.

The world works in mysterious ways, doesn't it...Willy was meant to be with you all. Thanks to Brenda for giving him a loving place to stay and helping him come out of his shell so that this handsome boy
could come home to RDF!

Steve you are so right---to be pulled from a home environment he has known his whole life and his person being terminally ill tells the story! These stories are so amazing and heart breaking but when the story ends "happy ever after" my heart is full of joy. Steve and Alayne we love and respect your 24/7 commitment to these deserving little ones. Thank you Brenda for plucking him from death!!! BRAVO!!!!!!

A huge thank you to Brenda R. for seeing into this little guys heart. And I'm so happy he found his way to RDF.

What an amazing story!

Brenda sounds like the "Dachshund Whisperer". What's the beagle to dachshund ratio these days @ RDF? :)

Welcome to Second-Chance Willy - - or Third-Chance Willy, seeing as how he beat the odds several times. It sounds like he ought to warm up now that he's in a stable and warm home. Perhaps he'll even make a girlfriend (are you listening, Daisy?).

I see you added a beagle as well as a dachshund. Looks like you didn't want to hear complaints from either camp. :) Here's a warm welcome to Bertie, too.

My heart was breaking for this little dog...then I realized that he finally made it to you. I am glad Willy has the chance to grow and blossom in your care. Thank you Brenda, Steve and Alayne for not giving up on this little soul-battered dog. Maybe he really was just so heartbroken and shattered by his first owners passing. Glad he is with you now. Bless you.

Such a cute little fellow -- timing was everything with this guy. Once again, thanks for all you do !!!

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