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July 24, 2012


I have lived on same property for 26 years in CT & we see flocks of wild male & female turkeys just about every season of the year, BUT they have never come thru with babies that we have ever seen! Lucky you!!

The pictures are great! We have wild turkeys here in our neighbourhood in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Like Cambridge, they are oblivious to cars and don't get upset at dogs being walked in the neighbourhood. The only complaint by homeowners is that they leave evidence of their passing on the lawns!

Wonderful! A nice Thanksgiving dinner for you and all the dogs, there are a lot of them!

(ha! just kidding!)


It looks like you have at least 2 families?? It's a wonderful place to live for all living creatures! :)

Way cool!

Very cool to see! Can we trade you some Canadian Geese? :)

How in the world do you folks get anything done with all the very "kewl" distractions you have at RDF?
Between watching the residents and the wildlife I am afraid I would be useless!

Even the wild turkeys know that all animals are loved at RDF! :)

NEVER a dull moment on the Farm!

We just have doves and quail. The quail have their little ones and they are so much fun to watch. The quail parents are such nervous nellies - I hate it when I count their number of babies, and if there's 8 and two weeks later there's only 6, I get upset. Life in the wild, even in the urban wild, is hard on the wildlife.

Even the wild turkeys are realizing that the "oh, them" people are fellow earth dwellers and ones that mean them no harm. Like AnneAndrew did. Ones with the earth and a love of all the critters that inhabit our world. Rolling Dog Farm calms my soul just knowing you are there and even the wild ones trust you.

They're not shy at all down here in Cambridge MA! They walk right through densely populated neighborhoods and stop traffic at intersections, if they're in the mood. They peck away at car bumpers and will jump on the hoods and look at the mirrors.

Say "hey" to them from their city cousins.

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