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June 14, 2012


Hey Barb, I'm with you, I love Spinner too. Something about her is so special. I remember Steve telling how he blew on her when she finally got to NH in the doggie van and she knew he was there and how happy she was....special.

Does Billy KNOW he's in a yard full of doxies??? Or is he just trying to be civil to the "other side"? Love seeing the crew and glad that Billy is enjoying his new home! Miss that boy, but so thankful for you guys taking him!

I love this picture of the sniffer' can tell they are concentrating on something very important! It's sure a dogs' life!

Hip Hip Hooray for the the rescues that would otherwise never had a chance!

Great photo of the sniffer brigade! You definitely need more dachshunds though. :)

I was so relieved to see you mention Spinner. Respecting that this is your blog I sure hope you decide to let us know if anything happens to her. I care about all your animals and enjoy all your posts but Spinner is special.

Like Barb said, it's great to hear about or see a photo of animals that we haven't in a while.

Great post! Thanks.

Looks like it was a great day to be a dog outside. I miss really green grass like you have (even with the brown spots). Happy dogs come from happy households where the people really care. Thanks Steve & Alayne

You certainly have a beautiful, beautiful front yard! The dogs are checking their Pmail. :) Have a lovely weekend!

How awesome to see them all there. You haven't mentioned Bugsy in awhile. How is he?

What a great photo and post. I always thought you should show more shots of the doggies with their names. I'm sure we only see the special ones and would love to see the others who are just retired and enjoying life. Photos with names without stories would be good for days when you don't have a lot of time to post. And we would get to see the others who are not normally featured. This is a great group photo and you can tell how nice the weather was. It was obvious they were all enjoying themselves.

What a full house you do have. All so adorable and lucky to have such a great family - human and otherwise! Snifferabundance.......

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