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« This Will Work, Too | Main | Hey, That's My Basket »

June 26, 2012


Wow, you must have extra hours in yours days up there!! How do you get it all done?

I can relate to the feeling of joy when the first green shoots poke through the soil - I usually do some "jumpy-claps" - my neighbours must think I'm nuts, but it is such a good feeling when something I planted starts growing.

Here's to some good farmin' weather and a great harvest! Take some time at sunset to put your feet up with something cool to drink. Hugs&love to all.

Hi Guys,
Just to reiterate - when do you ever sleep?? All the best to you and best of luck with your crops.
Shirley Parr
Four Winds Farm Sanctuary

Ditto to all blog comments. You two continue to AMAZE us!! We don't know how you keep up all the hard work. We're exhausted by reading it.

You guys are super wonderful. You wear me out just thinking about all you do. Tending to the dogs and other animals or tending the farm would be a full-time plus job. But you two take both in your stride. You are super people! Great work. Thanks for all you do for the animals in your care. I am sure they appreciate it in their doggie or horsey fashion.
I thoroughly enjoy reading about all your escapades. Thanks for blogging about them.

I can relate to the comment about the Seattle weather... hasn't been the best this year for us gardeners, even the hobbists like me. My best plant this year is the "pantry potatoes" that I potted up on the front porch. Just an interesting ornamental growing ambitiously up a trellis. More entertaining than tossing them :)

AWESOME work! Keep it up! Something tells me you might be needing a root cellar enlargement :)

So when will you be canning the dog food to sell to the rest of us??!! It's got all the best stuff in there, and you've got a large, admiring market already right here. If Newman can have his own, I believe Rolling Dog can have it's own label too!!!

You folks are amazing. Where do you find the energy.

Good on ya, NH gardeners. Sounds like a Seattle spring. Here's to a bountiful crop for all the mammals.

Garden disasters are always heartbreaking. Glad some of it survived. Your potatoes are looking really nice. Let us know when you get that weather-control thing ironed out... we'd all love to know how to do it!

I agree with Janet about farmers. Ran across a saying....'If you have something bad to say about farmers, just make sure you don't talk with your mouth full'. Happy Farming!!!

This is so nice to see, and I bet the land is happy to be tended and planted again! My grandfather had a small farm here in the Netherlands and I was lucky to be around when it was still a working farm, I helped as much as I could. We have just a few potatoes and some pots and plants around now, but for me it's in his honour.

Good luck with the weather (but, in ALL the years I've known my grandfather, something was always wrong with that ;-))!

Spare time? You have spare time? When? Do you actually take time to sleep? (Or do you have somebody to sleep for you -- I've been trying to figure out how to do that for years!)

Hey, dachshunds like to dig. You have any furry 4-legged little guys that are willing to help you out? Hmm, now that I think of it...maybe not a good idea. My dachsund like to dig the plants OUT of the garden... not help with the initially planting. Strike my initial idea.

But congratulations for all of your hard work in making your farm self sustaining. (And that would have been a LOT of zucchini bread!!!!)

Holy Moly! Do you guys ever rest? I'm going to go lie down, I got wore out just reading about that. Keep it up and you will live to be 100!

Cool. Patience is certainly an aspect of farming (for me, gardening) - the weather is out of one's control! It is exciting for you to bring this farm back!

Looks beautiful, I love seeing things growing. Here back in Montana we would sure take some of the rain you have gotten, it is really dry here with very high winds. As of the news last night we have 10 large wildfires burning up the state. One by Helena & another 25 miles north of Billings have both burned several homes from what I understand. Feast or famine here, glad you have some moisture! We look forward to seeing more pictures of your farming efforts!

I too know what rain is all about (we've had a touch of it here in Florida these past few days). Good luck with your crop, it will be fine and the dogs will thrive with such love, care and fore-thought. It's not just your thumbs that seem to be green, but your whole lifestyle.

Holy cow! As if you aren't doing enough with dog care, horse care, haying, goat herding, laundry, poop scooping, cooking, and blogging. If it didn't rain, you guys would never get any down time.

Farming in NH requires as much optimism as farming in MT between the short growing season and wild weather.

You guys are the best!

It definitely is a strange year for weather all over--I hope the weather evens out for the rest of your growing seaon. Your comment about the farm not having been farmed for more than 50 years reminded me of the blog showing the hallway of closets in your house. At that time, you wrote that the house had an interesting history which would be shared at a future date. Could you please point me to the blog that has the story of your unique house?

I don't know where you find the energy to do all this but God Bless You! Did you farm like this in Montana?
It would seem that the soil would be very rich after laying fallow for all those years. Good luck and good eating to all of you!

Wow, you are really working farmers! Back to grass roots. Healthy fresh veggies for all. Glad for your rain as many of us haven't had any for a while. Be safe in the heat.

How wonderful that you're bringing the farm back to life again. May your crops be hardy and plentiful!

Looks and sounds like you guys are loving the "eastern" life. A whole lot different than the world back here in Montana.

That's just awesome! Sorry about getting so washed out, but what you're doing is just awesome. Farmers are wonderful people. Awesome.

Your hard work for pay off for you and your family. The dogs and horses will love it. Potatoes - Yummy!

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