The other day Alayne heard Wilbur start snorting and saw his blanket start moving, and then he popped his head out from under one end of his fleece blanket. His eye looks a bit peculiar because of the absence of the lens, so you're seeing the light from the camera flash illuminating the fluid inside the eye, with the retina in the back. And yes, that little tongue is usually hanging out to the side like that -- actually, it's often sticking out a bit more. After he had his dental when he first arrived here and lost all but six teeth, his tongue sticks out on the right side of his mouth. He still has an upper canine tooth on the left side, which must be what keeps it from hanging out on that side.
Here he is with Pip, showing his more usual "tongue-look":
A couple of weeks ago when we were taking dogs to see specialists in Burlington, we had our internal medicine specialist look at Wilbur's mouth and tongue just to make sure everything was okay with it. And it is - the tongue is just one of his many endearing features!
Weekly Winner for Week 5 -- And $1,000 For The Animals!
Yes, we were the most recent weekly winner, and thanks to you, we just won $1,000 through the Shelter Challenge! Thank you so much!
Please Vote for the Farm!
The new Shelter Challenge started Monday, April 9 and ends at midnight on June 17. Grand prize in this round is $5,000, plus $1,000 for weekly winners and $1,000 for state winners. There are also other categories ... please see the Shelter Challenge website for details.
*** We are now LISTED UNDER OUR NEW NAME, ROLLING DOG FARM. State is still NH for New Hampshire. ***
Please remember, you can vote every day ... consider bookmarking the voting page to make it easy.
We just won $1,000 as a weekly winner for Week 5 of this current contest, and thousands more in the previous contests. The Shelter Challenge really does bring in a lot of money for the animals here!
You can vote in the Shelter Challenge here.
Thank you for your votes!
Thank you for putting these pictures up and making me smile...I love these little guys!
Posted by: Ann | June 06, 2012 at 12:33 AM
I had a Shi Tzu that the older she got and the more teeth she lost, her tongue started sticking out. I mentioned it to the Vet and he said that the teeth hold the tongue in with dogs. Thank goodness! I thought she was being disrespectful! :)
Posted by: Kathleen Rivard | June 04, 2012 at 03:42 PM
He looks like the model for "OX" one of those totally cute little Ugly Dolls. I hope he got a good licensing deal out of it...
Posted by: Celia Brown | June 04, 2012 at 01:59 PM
Wilbur, you look like the town drunk the morning after an all night bender!! Not your best shot! You tell Steve and Alayne to just give you a little time, next time, to strike your best pose. Too bad you can't operate a camera, you could catch THEM at their worst!!
Posted by: Diane Borden, Chehalis, WA | June 04, 2012 at 12:45 PM
Love the pictures of the two darling boys together! Sending lots of cyber hugs and love their way.
Posted by: Mary H./Washington state | June 04, 2012 at 10:01 AM
The Doxies and Beagles better watch out, the chihuahua numbers are slowly, quietly, creeping up.......
Posted by: Anne in FL | June 04, 2012 at 08:41 AM
This is the perfect post for me. I love chihuahuas and these two are my favorites, although Wilbur looks like he has a little of another breed mixed in. I lost my Lena two years ago at 18 1/2 and miss carrying around that little bundle of joy. Had I known you hadn't tried feeding Pip by hand I could have given you that suggestion. I tend to think it's probably common for people to do that with tiny dogs; not sure why. I adopted my Lena when she was 12 and had the same issue. Only once in a while would she eat on her own; most times I had to feed her by hand. But I didn't mind because I felt good knowning she ate. These two cuties are more than precious. Glad they're doing so well. Thanks for the post.
Posted by: Barb Ribinski | June 04, 2012 at 08:22 AM
Awwww, so sweet these little ones.
Posted by: Shirley * James/Portland, OR | June 03, 2012 at 11:10 PM
It's so nice that Pip and Wilbur are about the same size - soul-mates in petite form!
They can be a comfort to each other without overwhelming.
Posted by: Gena | June 03, 2012 at 09:21 PM