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« Sniffer Dogs | Main | This Will Work, Too »

June 19, 2012


I know you had lots to do and couldn't post new pictures last week, but I'm so glad you are back. We all miss the updates and the cute photos of all your residents. Welcome back!

Oh, I want to be a part of this too! :) Little Miss Roo continues to be a complete joy and I continue to be a real klutz in trying to capture a darling picture of her. She has had her quad chair from Doggone Wheels for a couple of years now but absolutely refuses to move in it. She's very good at getting out of it although she is strapped into it and her exodus from the chair is followed by a "Happy Dance". When she first came to me, I attempted putting her into a basket like Alayne and Steve had done. In fact, it was the very same type of basket. Within minutes, she was out. She's a little Houdini and there is always a "Happy Dance" following her new trick. The quad chair sits under a table in the living room holding dog toys which the cats swat at from time to time. Roo happily goes about her business hopping, tip-toeing, or curled up sleeping in on one of many dog beds in the living room. She may have only 2 legs but it certainly does not slow her down. She continues to be a delight. She has no handicap.
Only those looking at her that would think that have the handicap! :) :) Roo and Her Adoring Mom

I know you join me in mourning the loss of Frankie, the "Walk 'n Roll" dog. Frankie was mentioned in past Rolling Dog blog posts.

Oh, Janet..good idea. If Steve will update comments, we will write what our critters are up to! Rain here for the 4th day and a 70% chance the front in the Gulf of Mexico will become a 'tropical cyclone'. So, the tortoise stays inside in his baby pool, the cats sleep all day (as per usual) and the dog only heads far enough out the dog door to do her business. Hope Steve is having some good weather for haying. Wonder if BillyBob know they are literally working for their dinners???

I will miss hearing from you, but hay has to be made while the sun shines!! Good luck to you. Your photos are so impresive.
Shirley Parr
Four Winds Farm Sanctuary

Be safe. We will miss you but know you need to get so much done while you can. And I will help with a post as well: the dogs and cats are enjoying the nice weather as much as we are. Kinda boring...............!

Yep, the hay dictates the DAY! It won't wait!! But oh, what a wonderful productive feeling when it's all done, and the sweet, sweet smell is like none other.

Enjoy the hard work!

Important to get that hay done. Will miss your adventures but you need to take care of what needs to be done first!

I am amazed at everything you all are able to do along with your blog. Thank you for posting when you can.

Make hay while the sun shines, post about it later. Hope you get a good crop in and stored for later use. Have a safe and productive blog break.

Make hay while the sun shines!

Not to worry! You have lots to do. I'll help out, then, by posting that my two cats and two rats are doing very well, the garden is growing and looking lovely,and summer is here. There!

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