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« Eyewear | Main | Ah, Springtime! »

May 20, 2012


Precious and I so hope his health will improve now that he's under watchful and caring love!
P.S. It's good what you post stories on FB. That's my reminder to vote!

Pip, you brought a smile to my face. Thanks!

Delighted I could kinda bring you a hug from afar by that blankie. Be healthy. You are in the most wonderful care now :)

Oh gosh, he's just adorable! Looking forward to hearing how everything turns out medically.

Welcome home to RDF, Pip!

So glad he made it and that his cuteness overpowers the baby wailing! He did that the whole time in the car when I drove him from the shelter to Morgan's. I figured Morgan and Andy would never speak to me again! Thank you for taking Pip and giving him the love and care he deserves!!

Happy for the new arrival to your home. The inspiration behind my finding and following your blog, Slapshot passed away today at the age of 14.

He went blind more than 7 years ago and it was hard to tell he was blind he navigated the world so well. His body was willing to go the distance but dementia took it's toll.

Enjoy the Rainbow Bridge Slapshot, We shall meet again on the other side.

What a darling little guy.God bless all the people that mad it possible for you to find your forever home!

Welcome Pip! First it seemed as if he might have a bit of an identity crisis, with the whole beagle-fawn-infant thing, but then I realized he's just another one who does things His Way. :)

What a precious little creature. Pip, you have arrived in a wonderful place. Your little baby-self will be so well cared for.


What a sweetheart!

God bless little Pip and the caregivers who rescued him and will treasure him.

Pip seems be have been accurately named. He's got wonderful ears! I hope you don't find heart worm in the mix while he's getting his physical. Thank God Roo doesn't "wail". She just lets out those sharp little yaps to let me know I'm not living up to her expectations and I have about 5 seconds to straighten myself out! :) Pip is really a cutie and like him, Roo will curl up like a newborn fawn, i.e. when she isn't velcroed to one of my body parts!

Welcome home, dear Pip! You're in the ideal place (and with the ideal people) to deal with your many health issues, that's for sure!

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, little one!

Alayne & Steve: thank you SO much for helping Pip. I hope he's going to snuggle against your necks for many, many years to come.:-)

I'm thinking alllll good thoughts for Pip! what a little sweetie!

My blind mare has the graft on her cornea that you described, she got it to treat a lipid plaque on her cornea from so many years of steroid ointment. Keeping it in place permanently means that when her eye flares now I can still use good ole neo/poly/dex.

Welcome Pip and good luck!

I hope Pip and Wilber become soul-mates. The two little guys look like they were made for each other. He is a cutie. Don't tell Grand Duchess Widget that you got a non-beagle from one of your go to beagle rescue places. She'll be in a snit for weeks. of course being in a snit is Widget's default position.

Oh, what a little doll baby! I pray for positive outcome on his exams and that he has a lot of life left to share with you and the other critters.

Oh Pip is so cute!!! Cracked me up that he sounds like a baby! Thank you for all the GREAT care you have already given this little one. We are so grateful for your committment!

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