Late Monday afternoon I was standing at the big table in the solarium in the dog room, dishing up their dinner into countless bowls, when the phone rang. Kate had been bringing in the last few dogs from outside, including Owen the blind Beagle, who we usually let run around the dog room while we're feeding the others. I was still on the phone when Kate was ready to leave, so I waved goodbye to her. After I finished the call, I filled some more bowls and then headed into the room to hand them out. That's when I saw the guilty party above, caught red-pawed with the evidence right in front of him.
When Kate left, there had been no boot there. When Kate left, the only dog left in the room was Owen. Some may call this circumstantial evidence, but it seems like an open and shut case to me. And just look at the body posture, too. "Dang, caught in the act! Where did he come from?!?" In fact, this character has come before the Court of Canine MisBehaviors before on the same charges. He seems to have a hankering for barn boots. (Always something deliciously tasty on them, no doubt.) He finds them in the mud room, just outside the dog wing, and pulls them into the room and onto the bed for a chewfest.
A minute later, having been photographed, he was pretending not to be interested in the boot:
But we weren't falling for it. Guilty!