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January 11, 2012


Brunch! Those fuzzy kids have a good life!!!

Fantastic! I think it's great your dogs and your hens get to eat stuff they evolved to eat. Better for everyone! I'll bet they're super tasy eggs, too.
By the way, I'd recommend Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma" any day over Nina Planck's book. He really did his research and has reputable citations for all his claims.

Actually, I'd like to ask the inevitable question of what will you do when the hens stop laying? Will the dogs be eating Chicken? ;)

Mmmmm ~ ~ ~ "What's for supper?"

VOTE VOTE VOTE, practice for this coming November by voting now for
RDF!! Let's make this the winning year for all our favorite animals.

Zoe-doggie LOVES 'eggies'. Even tho she has recently lost all hearing she always knows when I am making eggies and she knows some will be for her! She especially likes a touch of cheese it them or grated carrots!!
Hugs to all your heritage girls, they are hard workers livin' the good life at Rolling Egg Farm ;)

My Black Lab, Sadie, loves scrambled eggs. My Barred Rocks and Buff Orphingtons supply us enough for 3 people and Sadie. You and Alayne are amazing, God Bless you.

I love this blog too! It's so enjoyable to read. Your dedication is amazing and inspiring. My dog loves scrambled eggs as well as vegetables and apples. Do you ever let the dogs have raw eggs? I have read conflicting reports on this. What other food do you feed the dogs?

Wow, you could probably invite the entire town of Lancaster over for some breakfast and still have eggs left over! And I agree with you that eggs are healthy for the dogs and for people.

I so enjoy reading the blogs and seeing all the different aspects of what goes on daily at RDF. I'm sure you have a line of very happy dogs waiting every morning :)

Feel free to FedEx some of those beautiful free range eggs down to me!

You two go to any lengths for the doggies. Love it!

We ONLY buy our eggs from the same type of source---what a difference in how they taste and I can eat them happily knowing they were not treated in the Factory Farming manner!

What a grand informative post, Steve! I love how you are being a wise user of the animals and the property to "do the right things". My hat is off to you & Alayne for so many countless reasons, but you can add this to the endless list! I remember my grandmother had the Deleware Barred hens, but at the time, didn't know what they were.
Warm hugs to you & yours,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Sigh...I really enjoy reading this blog! Dedicated people supporting their passions. On my bucket list is a visit to RDF. I will bring the Sumatran and hope to share a cup with Widget and my puppy crush THE DEX MAN.

That is a lot of eggs! My dogs have always loved eggs - and I agree, they are good for them!

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