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« Irene Gets Adopted! | Main | Deep In Thought »

December 15, 2011


I donated today - way to go and thank you for everything you do for the animals!

OH MY.....I just watched the video and am crying---it reminds me of ALL the animals Steve/Alayne (RDF) have saved and given a life too! Thank you Alayne and Steve for dedicating your life the last 11 years to these creatures. I shudder to think what would have become of them. I truly love RDF from the depth of my soul.

The video on Paul's page is wonderful. I've watched it three times already. Seeing Peabody and Pappy and many others from long ago is so heartwarming for me.


I made my donation and ask all the fans of RDF to join in! Paul's site was really cool. Let's win that 25K for our favorite couple and the animals they champion!
Happy Merry!

Done! How cool, nice man. Go RDF Go!

Just donated ---Love the video and now I'm a fan of Paul's!!!!!! PAUL YOU AND YOUR DAD ROCK!!!!! so does RDF!!!!

It's too bad that Canadians can't win the prizes but that's o.k. The donation is the main thing. I'm happy to donate on behalf on one of my favourite charities and to support one of my favourite actors!

The video on Pauls site was beautiful. It made me cry to see old familiar faces. I'm getting out my credit card right now. Thanks Paul!

Yes!!! Paul, thank you SO MUCH for helping the animals @ RDF! It is a wonderful tribute to your father, clearly a kind man. Hope this will snowball with goodness.

Great "leverage", hoping many of us are in the holiday spirit and love to support RDF. Let's roll!

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