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« Double Up | Main | And Now ... Irene, a.k.a. "Pistol" »

October 11, 2011


I love you guys.....what a piece of heaven on earth.

I'm constantly amazed how these beautiful fellow creatures respond to loving care after enduring such terrible treatment - no grudges, no hate, just happy, grateful love and joy. We could all learn from them to just be in the moment and live fully. Bless you for your love of Owen and all your sweet dogs. (Tears when read of his response at arrival when held by Alayne!)

This make me weep. There's a special place in heaven for you all. LOVE and blessings.

Yay!!! another beagle... And a very handsome one too!!

Welcome to Rolling Dog-Heaven Farm, precious little Owen. Lots of love, hugs, rowdy companions, good food and a warm bed - and don't forget green grass galore. You go, little boy!

Welcome to heaven on earth, Owen. I'm so glad that you were rescued from your horrid fate and taken in by the loving RDR! It's about time you hit the jackpot~! I'm so glad that you've adjusted so quickly to you new home, but then with all that love, it was easy, right?
Hugs all around,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

What a beaute! And I think the name "Owen" fits him perfectly! I, too, welcomed a new four-legged friend to my household this week. He is a six month old tabby cat that I named "Harry". He was rescued as a stray in poor shape trying to eat out of a garbage can. Sadly, I had to put my 12 year old cat, Max, down a month and a half ago due to illness. He was a rescue from The King County Anmal Shelter in Kent, Wa, and Max lived a good, long life. Out of great sadness comes a new, deep love that you never thought possible because of a broken heart. But, thankfully, love is infinite, even when we think our hearts our incurably broken. Welcome to the good life, Owen!!!

Sounds like Owen loves his new home and Alayne has another minion! What a happy ending/new beginning for him.

Wow...this post just kept getting better and better. Thank you to everyone involved in rescuing Owen from his previous life of neglect. I guess he told you and Alayne pretty clearly how much he appreciates it.
Have a blast you handsome dog!

Way to go Owen. You scored BIG with living at RDR!!!!!

*WELCOME dear Owen* to your new loving will soon have your own fan club on your mom and dad's website...can't wait for updates on you!! HAVE FUN e-x-p-l-o-r-i-n-g your new beautiful world....

Amazing how dogs can come out of such a neglectful and awful situation and still have such a good outlook on life. Maybe Owen runs because it is the first time he can do so, so it may be his joy to finally have a chance for a puppyhood (better late than never). He hugs because he is being shown LOVE and care. Think how his life changed...smelly trailer, covered in his own waste, no water!, no food..I would run for joy too. Bless everyone who had a hand in this little boys life transformation.

I love the fact that when he hit the yard , he had to be thinking JACKPOT

What a wonderful post! I got teary over the part where he pressed his face against Alayne's. Beautiful. And what a joy to read of his delight in exploring the next morning! God bless you guys.

Welcome,Owen! He's adorable. Glad he's adjusting so well to the farm.

It's been a while since there's been a new face in town. Welcome, Owen. I love the image of Alayne walking around, unwilling to put him down, with his arms wrapped around her neck.

Owen is sooooo handsome! What a great looking dog. And now he's a happy dog, too. Please post a photo of him with Alayne. So glad he has friends to play with and is happy and healthy now.

Just echoing the dark side ==> "He was found locked inside a trailer with no food or water."

He is so cute and beautiful so glad you were able to welcome him into your life.

Love this are precious, Owen! Run that yard, soak up all the love; you deserve it!!!

Welcome home, sweet Owen!!

I can just see him in Alayne's loving arms... It makes my heart melt.:-)

Can't wait to read about the other "new furkid in town".

God bless you, Steve & Alayne (and Denise, of course), for rescuing Owen.

Owen! What a magical story to a wonderful place you so deserve. You sure know the way right into everyone's hearts, and I imagine Alayne's in particular with those snuggle hugs (jealous!)
HUGE bravos for everyone helping you on your way! "It takes a village" or perhaps a convoy? :)

Oh, he really is a handsome boy! I'll bet Widget will get him to be her next sidekick, so be prepared :)

Thank you for taking Owen...he's one lucky boy!

Ohhhhh...could we PLEASE have a picture of Owen snuggling up with Alayne with his paws wrapped around her neck?!?? Please?!?? And welcome little Owen! You are ADORABLE.

LOVE OWEN!! Of course as a part of Atlanta Beagle Rescue, I'm partial to beagles and am very happy that the count is even. As for Friday's feature, my guess is a Chihuahua ... as I have a Chi and your description of the new arrival would aptly fit most any Chi! Either way, can't wait to meet the other new one and thank you, again and again, for what you guys do!

What a sweetheart! And can't wait to see who's next on Friday!

What a cutie patootie:-) Go Beagles!!!

What a great addition. Of course Owen will have to pass Widget's RDF Beagle Orientation Course which has been been compared to SEAL training. But once he is a certified RDF Beagle I'm sure he will fit right in.

Owen-Handsome sweet guy. Steve-what a tease, Friday! A yorkie?

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