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« The Apple Is Better On The Other Side Of The Fence | Main | Dogs 'n Frogs »

September 13, 2011


Love Mink's story! Currently volunteering at a no-kill animal shelter, I love to see such happy stories of our furry friends finding their "forever" home! Thanks for your passion to care for your animals! Rest in peace, Cinder!

Wow! Love the picture of Mink snuggle in between the dogs! So happy for the little guy!

I have been a crying mess reading this Mink story. Great to see him in such a loving and happy home.
I could feel the pain of letting your sweetheart leave for his new home, as well. My heart hurts for the loss of Cinder.
Thanks for sharing how happy Mink is with all his new siblings!

Mink is such a handsome boy and I'm glad he is in a true home environment. I remember meeting him in Montana on a visit. It is interesting, I thought that as a wobbler he would have trouble with stairs and wood floors, but from the post and the pictures Shirley and James sent it wouldn't appear so!

I'm also sorry to read about Cinder. Another beautiful black kitty.

Since you are out of the disabled kitty business now, it would be wonderful to get periodic updates on some of those who have gone on to their forever homes like Herbie, Bunny, and now Mink if you get them. A lot of us long time blog readers remember them.

I too send my sympathy over the loss of Cinder.

Wonderful pictures of Mink and the gang. Best wishes to Shirley and James and the rest of his forever family!

Yippee Yeah for HRH Mink!!! Wowiwee....beautiful story!! Lucky kitty and lucky humans!!

So sorry for Cinders passing. I had tears of joy reading this blog as well as tears of sadness.

Beautiful story and fantastic photos!!

I am sad about Cinder, as Karl & I were able to meet & see Cinder on 2 visits to the ranch in Montana....but very happy to hear about Mink getting a forever home. Thank you for taking care of Mink, Cinder, our 2 Rolling Dog Kitties, Bunny & Molly. They all were very lucky to have you both in their lives.....

I'm sorry about Cinder. :(

As a cat person, I so understand why Queen LaTink gives Mink the Stink (eye) after viewing the pictures. ;)


What a wonderful story. Steve, I know how hard it was to say good-bye to Mink. I had a lump in my throat while I read that part. But, to read about the amazing new digs Mink is now living in & the wonderful, wonderful accepting family she is a part of now made me smile ear to ear. The great part is you were a huge part of his life & now he has a new family who will love & care for him as much as you all did.

I am so very sorry for the loss of Cinder. It hurts so much when they leave us to go to Rainbow Bridge. Being a huge cat person I loved to hear about your kitties but I understand your situation. I love all animals so to hear the stories of your other residents is why I read this blog. I enjoy so much the stories & the amazing work & effort you all do on a daily basis to give each one a loving environment. Throw in a barn cat story every once in a while...:)

Love this story and all the pictures! Shirley and Schminck at the top look like they belong on the cover of a Cat Fancy Magazine. So sorry for your losses Steve - as for Mink, he has struck gold!

What a wonderful family that your little darling is now a big part of!! Such sweet photos and tender details on his 'arrival' to his new home....God Bless Cinder, Mink and the families.... Gosh...I absolutely agree...having to say 'goodbye' is REALLY hard!!

Obviously you were the middleman (again) until Mink found his forever home. And wasn't the wait worth it! He looks happy, they sound and look happy; seems like a win-win to me!

The Story Of Mink - the Rich Life!

This was totally meant to be. Mink is exactly where he belongs. Rest in peace sweet Cinder. Cheers to you, Steve, for being a cat guy under the hood.

Cinder was such a loving cat as well and I know she would have fit in with Shirley, James and crew. Thanks you guys for taking Mink...she and the dogs must have been together in another life to take to each other so quickly. :) I'm sure she is very happy to have a family and a house to roam. It warms my heart to see her with the dogs. I know how you feel Steve and I had a few tears as well but as you said she is with a wonderful family!!

What an exceptional post! So sorry about Cinder but no way can you really be sad about Mink. What a life he has already!!! I'm sure he feels really special being in a home where he feels like the king. The photos are wonderful. It's funny how animals can be so accepting; and he fit in so quickly. Thank you Shirley and James for the life you are giving Mink.

I cannot believe Cinders' passing was given only 1 brief mention. Other animals' passings get lengthy blog posts and Cinder got only a "by the way" mention. You have a lot of cat lovers out here and this one feels hurt that she got so little respect. Rest in peace my favorite little kitty momma.

Great story. Mink is in a really good home and looks very happy.

I have shared your web site and mission with many people. I read the story of Mink and remember why I think Rolling Dog Farm is a very good place for so many lucky animals (and people too!).

I am so happy for Mink, but as a cat girl with no cat right now I feel your pain. I too needed some tissue reading your post, so hard to say goodbye but a happy goodbye for sure. What a lucky guy is Mr. Mink to have first you to love him & now a wonderful new family. All cats should be so lucky!By the way, Montana still misses you! We are having wonderful end of summer weather this year:)

What a brave thing to do Steve, I feel for you how you write about the departure... and how amazing it is that sometimes animals can fit RIGHT in! If you'd have said that this is a photo of a cat adopted ages ago I would have believed it too!

Great adoption, Shirley and James, and lots of good times with them all!!

I'm so sorry for your loss of Cinder. I know how hard that must have been for you and Alayne, but Mink's getting adopted into such an awesome family is such good news! He went from having a wonderful life on the Farm to having a wonderful life in Oregon with Shirley, James and his new furfriends. Those pictures speak a 1000 words...Mink is a lucky boy!

Okay, no fair making me cry while I'm trying to read the post!!! What a life this little guy has -- he is the new king of the house! Thanks to Shirley and James for adopting him, and praying for the void in your heart to be filled up with loads of joy, Steve.

So sorry to hear about Cinder, but happy for Mink. As a cat person myself, I will miss the stories of the disabled cats you've helped. But remember to give us a barn cat update every now and then ;)

What a wonderful story. Bittersweet, yes, because you had to say goodbye to a friend, but look how well it is working out. Mink's a lucky little guy, to have first been cared for at the Ranch, and now to be with his wonderful new family.

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