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« I'm Not Ready Yet | Main | Quick Reminder: TV Story On The Farm »

September 27, 2011


A beautiful picture of a BEAUTIFUL girl!

Do you still have the "wobbly brothers"? My wobbly (permanent) foster dobe is a year old now. She rules the house. :) It all comes down to accepting these animals as they are, just like we do with people.
I so admire your dedication to these differently abled animals.

That's a great photo! Quiet dignity. She's a beautiful dog.

Great news letter. Could you make a video of Spinner and post it on your you tube page? I would love to see her stop at the open doors and wait. That just makes me smile to think how naturally polite she is!

That's a perfect photo of Spinner; she beautiful!

It's just perfect
Way to go Spinner...
you look simply beautiful!

Lovely girl!

I enjoyed the print issue of the newsletter - - thank you. Thanks to the newsletter's large photo of pretty Spinner, I can just make out the edge of her left eyeball pointing at her nose.
Spinner is like my tuxedo wobble cat, aware of her best background and willing to wait till she gets it!

Spokane Washington here, and I just got it today! It is a beautiful cover photo!!

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