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« It's Me Again | Main | Subterranean Dog »

July 22, 2011


They both look so peaceful! Cozy quarters for all!!

When does the raffle end for the quilt??? Puparazzi???? Thanks!

I, too, wish I could sleep as well as Spinner and Madison...I'd be a new person :)

They sure are comfy and really is a dog's life!

Agree with the first two comments-LOVE this blog!!!

Awwwww - they look so peaceful and well-taken-care of - and of course they are! Sweet dreams Madison and Spinner.

Spinner looks so comfy! I wonder if they are aware of their privileged state. Probably they are! Interesting observation about more dogs together = less discipline. No doubt by this time you have enough material for a dozen scholarly articles on dog behavior. :)

Such sweet girls! Love to see them so cozy, and makes me want to take a nap!

Steve, your post is hilarious!!!

Spinner looks like King of the mountain!!!

I wish I could sleep 1/2 as comfortably as Spinner looks to be sleeping (and with that nice BIG bed all her own!!!) Hugs and snuggles to Miss Madison and Miss Spinner, the winners of the dogs sleep where they like contest.

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