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July 12, 2011


Kate, you should know by now that if Steve has a camera in his hand..the pictures will eventually end up on the blog!! HA!

The horses look great. I'm sure they are glad to be out in pasture!

I love the way the horses heads are all leaning towards Kate or Steve. They know that they are helping them to stay healthy.

I wish my cat would be so cooperative.

I hope you have a lovely weekend Rolling Dog Farm!

Cash is certainly a handsome young man. Is he taking any lessons out here like he was back in Montana or has he "graduated"? By the way, has anyone else been having problems getting in to vote?

It's so nice to see the horses. They are such beautiful and magnificent animals. I'm glad all went well with their annual checkups!

Trying to vote every day ... and 3 days a week I get to vote twice ... once at work and once at home!

Yeah Kate!

Nice to see the horses when they're all feeling well. And you know I'm going to ask, do the goats get a yearly checkup also? I would think so. But I'm guessing maybe Dr. Steve doesn't handle goats. So was Margaret out in the field out there with the horses? We realize that she's not at the Farm because she's one of the rescues, but those of us who have met her through your blog think she's jsut adorable and would love an update. Thanks!

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