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May 22, 2011


Yes That is a great picture, but a word of caution, we used to raise horses and cattle and had several apple trees on the outside of the fences, then we enclosed the trees to have them on the legal line. We had raised both for years as my father before and didnt know that too many apples would cholic the horses and cause gastric blockage on the cows, so Im sure you already knew this but just in case.

My, look at all those lovely apple trees. Beautiful pictures! The horses and goats (yes, we need an update on them) are going to be so happy soon!

Maybe you can hire a part-timer and get a new seasonal aspect of RDF going...fresh apple products (such as suggested by Shirley) straight from Rolling Dog Farm! I'd bet that would bring in a nice amount of money for the animals. After all, who doesn't love "fresh from the farm" apples? :)

You could do a fundraiser - donate a certain amount of $$, get a bushel of apples! :-)

Try Apple Butter made in the crock pot. There are many recipes out there. And it is so easy. Just load up the crock pot and forget it.

Oh! Barb, good idea...Margaret update!! Yes we want an update on Margaret and the cows! Oh and the horses, with some new pictures of all the "Farm Yard" animals at RDF.

I'm also got an older neglected orchard when I bought my property. Got so tired of pealing & coring those tiny apples. For my Apple Butter process, I just wash and cut them into chunks without pealing and coring, and bake them into mush in a big turkey roaster. Then I run them through the sieve attachment on my Kitchen Aid into the crock-pot to cook it down into the best Apple Butter you've ever tasted. The more varieties of apples the better. Add apple pie spice or ginger, whatever you like and a little brown sugar at the end. I then put it in jelly jars and can it, but it would freeze just as well. Ymmm on toast and waffles!!

How absolutely lovely! And what a treat they will be for your many horses.

Barbara & Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog

My grandparents were blessed with an orchard and we would go gather apples in the fall. All the kids would pick apples and the adults would use an old hand turned cider press to squeeze the apples into cider. I can still remember the taste of the FRESH apple cider. You are SO lucky! Oh, and it freezes well too, just so you know, if you have extra.

Its the Rolling Apple Farm!!

Beautiful,tasty and feeds the animals and humans.
A win-win all around...
that's great!!!

Apple Cider, Apple Pie, Apple Dumplings, Apple Turnovers, Apple Fritters, Apple Upside Down Cake, Carmel Apples, Apple Muffins, Applesauce and let's not forget a fresh picked apple straight from the tree at RDF!!!

It's wonderful to have apple trees for the horses - and humans! But now Steve, we need an update on Margaret and her sister and we need to know how they're doing. Everyone wants to know, I'm sure. So photos and a blog, please! And thank you.

What a gorgeous post!

oooh, I'm putting my order in for an apple pie... or a cobbler... or a crisp.... or some fritters!

I'm so happy for you, having all those apple trees. My grandmother used to get apples from the farmers' market and make homemade applesauce. It was such a treat to eat some still hot before she put it up. The chunkier the better. Yum; I miss the good old days.

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