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April 10, 2011


Well, it does my heart good to hear that you two have actually engaged in something mildly leisurely, like sitting for morning coffee. To read your blog sometimes exhausts me. It seems even sitting involves work, like blogging for us, or driving a dog to the vet (although now in NH, that task is a little less laborious). I've often thought, "Do those two EVER get to take a break?" So, I'm glad to hear it, and here's to more use of those deck chairs. You guys are certainly deserving of a little lounging.

It's lovely to see blind Alie "chillin'". You mentioned that she was taken off the adoption list due to some "ills". Have they improved? I sure hope so!

I'm glad that spring has finally sprung for you...all that snow gets old after a while! It sprung here a good month ago in South Carolina and we've been having crazy up and down temperatures, anywhere from the low 70s to 90!

It's great to see the dogs getting out and enjoying the nice weather. Is sure is a dogs' life!

I wish I could send you some of the 90F temps we've been having. Too hot, too fast for me, but then, I guess it goes with the location.
Big hugs all around,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Here in Italy, we're having an unseasonably warm April, with highs between 27 and 31° C! Starting tomorrow, however, temperatures should drop to more "reasonable" levels.

We still had some snow in mid-March, which is pretty unusual in the Po Valley...

Hip Hip Hooray for Spring!!! Love the blog!

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