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« Blind Samantha Goes To The Vet | Main | It Must Be A Friday Afternoon »

March 04, 2011


Love the 'training' comment! Thank you again for your amazing and honest work. And to add to the others, I have been unable to vote either at home or at work, so hopefully animalrescue will get the kinks worked out soon! God Bless.

I think understand what you are doing and I am not judging you. I have rescued several dogs and cats in my life (I'm almost 70), but I do have a hard time understanding that you can even humanely kill intelligent and lovable animals such as the cow to whom you even gave a name to. Would you gave names to chickens? I guess you might. I have never fed beaf to any of my rescued pets. I do feed them dry food that contains chickens and rice. Perhaps I think that chickens don't seem to be as loving and as intelligent as cows. I may be wrong. But, I feel that a cow to whom you give a name to would be difficult to be killed to feed another animal. I had nightmares since I read the last email about what you are doing. By the way, I am not a vegetarian, I do eat chickens and fish, but not beaf.

Nature does for nature what we agonize over. The Hawk brings down the pigeon for food, the lion brings down the antelope. The fox hunts rodents, and in return, higher ups hunt those that have fed. It is the rhythm of the food chain. To allow for and accept this, and, in doing so, do so humanely can only be part of a positive approach towards a very old directive - "Care for them as I would care for you", for all living things deserve dignity. Thank you.

Nothing to do with the blog, but I have been unable to vote today. It tells me my session has timed out..just an FYI

Hi there - having trouble with the votring website both yesterday and today - says an error has occured and i cannot get past that point - anyone else haviang trouble or know how to overcome thanks
wendy greenspan [email protected]

Steve, I am very glad that you did today's post and included Marisa's comments. I was thinking the exact same thing. As painful as it was for me to read your original post on this topic, I knew you were acting with the greatest compassion.

I read your blog daily; as a new admirer, I am only now catching up with the past posts, so as to have a full understanding of your journey -- currently up to March 2007!

I continue to have the deepest admiration for the work you and Alayne do! Bravo!


Ursula R.

Thanks for the original and follow up posts on a topic that the majority of people (such as myself) don't know anything about. Very insightful and thoughtful.

We humans consume meat and never give a thought as to how it gets to us. We just go to the meat section of the supermarket and there it is. Animals, as well, need meat. I'd rather see you do what you're doing and knowing exactly how the entire process works and that it's humane.

Again, thanks for the information and the thoughtful posts!

Oh gosh Steve ... too funny about the cow lifting her leg up for a better scratch! I liked Janet's post and can just see a pasture full of cows with their legs up ... waiting for their turn. Just be careful ... NO COW TIPPING! Ha ha
Seriously though, good posts on a difficult topic.

Great follow up Steve. The way you and Alayne have chosen to live your lives continues to inspire me. Thank you for once again being the catalyst for my own introspection. This time concerning the food that we feed our pets....and ourselves!

As a vegan, I have been struggling with your previous post, too. Not because I thought there was anything wrong with what you were doing.

I have cats and I know they are carnivores and must eat meat to stay well. I think Marisa's comments posted here have helped me put it in better perspective.

Sometimes there are no easy, peaceful, uncomplicated solutions. Life is a zero-sum game much of the time. The best we can do is the 'best under the circumstances.' Seldom do we have the opportunity to control those circumstances, but it is incumbent upon us to take advantage of them and act on them when we do.

I know that if I had my own farm, I would have animals whose milk and eggs and honey I would use. This goes against the "purist" vegan notion of not exploiting animals under any circumstances. I could do this because I would give them the best life they could have while they are doing what they would be doing anyway. There is no comparison to the life of farmed animals--a short, gruesome life.

I also know that I simply don't like meat enough to slaughter an animal for it, so I'm still not sure how I'd feed my animals, but I sure do respect what you're doing.

Thanks for sharing all your thoughts on this topic.



Steve, we already know the dogs train you but now the cows are training you too? ;)

This is a good follow-up to your post one week ago. I respect you for your thoughtful consideration and decisions. If I could, I would do the same as you do and raise cattle and other such animals for personal use. But, on a lot that's measured in feet instead of acres, that's not possible. :)
I, too, am impressed with Temple Grandin's life and work. She gave a fascinating interview not very long ago.
On the other hand, the works of Michael Pollan don't hold up to my personal research and scrutiny, sorry to say, although I understand his books are very popular.
No matter what kind of animals live at RDR, it's obvious they get the finest care and attention from you, Steve and Alayne. I can say no more than, well done, very well done!

Yes, Marisa wrote how many of us feel--I'm not a vegan but a vegetarian for 20 years--we have four dogs and three cats! Steve and Alayne once again it truly is an honor to be supporters and friends of Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary.

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