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« So That's What Was On Top Of Me | Main | Update On Wally "Fuzzy" McDuff »

February 15, 2011


What a beautiful, inspiring view you have!

Love and healing to Lena!

That's lovely. Ya'll deserve it.

B E A U T I F U L!!!!!!!

We're getting those little threats of maybe a few flakes @ high elevation (the Seattle paranoia thing) for the next couple days.) I envy your view, and sympathize with your chores! Hope Ms. Lena is healing up ok!

Thank you - lovely!! Stay warm.

I agree, the same photo in the other seasons would be nice to see. And a photo of Margaret would be nice, too. :) How is she? I hope the goats are well and like their new home.

Absolutely breathtaking. I wouldn't get any work done for that incredible view!

Very beautiful picture. The White Mountains in the background are stunning!

No news is good news :-)

This is my favorite way to see snow: from a distance! Seriously, that is one very pretty view you have. I would love to see the same shot in spring and, especially, in autumn. I love pretty pictures. Thank you for this one.

New England is definitely a beautiful place!


Breathtaking, beautiful sunny blue sky, gorgeous afternoon.
Certainly can't beat Mother Nature!

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