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« Peace Cereal To Help The Animals | Main | So That's What Was On Top Of Me »

February 10, 2011


LOL! Two very different opinions about South Carolina. :-)

And despite that I'd still give everything I have to move to Vermont. Does that tell you how hot and miserable the 6 month long summers are in South Carolina?

Sending Springtime thoughts your way.

I'm glad Spinner wasn't in that igloo when the snowstorm hit - - you'd never find her!
That's an impressive amount of snow to hit Ovando! I guess you didn't take that Montana weather to N.H after all, despite what folks have said. :D

Not even one pawprint to be seen!! Maybe the doxies tunnel into the igloos secret clubhouse!! Wonder what the pass word is?

Yes, it has been a very unusual winter. We got snow & ice last week in San Antonio, TX & we haven't had anything like that since 2004 that stuck to the ground. We have also experienced temps in the teens & 20's during the day. Many ppl have had to deal w/ frozen pipes. Definitely ready for Spring!!! People in other parts of the Country may laugh at us but we just don't get this type of weather & are certainly not used to it at all. :)

And, in regards to the pic. Now, that's a real igloo!!!

That picture and this blog reminds me, once again, how happy I am to have left New Jersey for South Carolina! I've been here 9 years and I know I wouldn't be able to deal with winter like that again. I so feel for you having to deal with all that!

I live in the Charleston metro area and dog rescue is a very big deal here. We have many wonderful rescues and even more dedicated people involved in it. You all should have bought property down here! :)

That's an amazing (and weird) world. I'm reading about snow and sub-zero temperatures at 01:55 AM (local time), 41 C (106 F).

Just when I think I have seen the most amazing site at your new place, there's yet another! Well, lucky animals they are indeed to have you to care for them, summer heat and winter worst!

I hope no one is in that Igloo in the snow!

Are you plowing paths for the dachsunds to go outside?

We had an early start to winter with above average snow, and yet since January the Sierra Nevada has had inredibly warm and lovely weather. We're hoping winter comes back!

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