Paul and Jenny M., who adopted blind-and-deaf Gabe from us last May and then three-legged Ella from us in September, just sent us these photos in an email whose subject line read, "An educational outing for Gabe and La Bella Ella."
Paul wrote, "My youngest son Aidan [that's him in the photo above with Gabe] came to me and asked if we could bring Gabe and Ella to his class for an extra credit kind of show and tell. We agreed, and I set off to confirm a date with the teacher, and Aidan set off to prepare a report to tell his classmates about Gabe and Ella's story. His report reflected on the 'not so nice' life they had prior to being rescued by Rolling Dog Ranch, and addressed the issue of disabilities and how even with disabilities, they still make great pets!"
Paul continued, "After his report, Jenny and I were led in to introduce Gabe and Ella to the class. All I can say is, "wow." The children's reactions were wonderful, and so many of them were genuinely impressed, because they would have never given a disabled animal a second thought! But what truly became an incredible moment of magic was when a child in the class raised his hand to ask a question. Unbeknownst to us, this child is special needs (either Palsy or MS) and he got the biggest of grins on his face, and said, "I think it is cool to see Ella because she and I both have something wrong with our legs, and we are both special needs, but we can play just like any other kid or dog!" I think it really sent one heck of a message to all the kids in the class. Truly one of those unexpected moments from the 'mouth of babes!'
Here's a photo of Ella surrounded by the kids:
This is a situation that would have literally terrified her a year ago. But as Paul said, "As you can tell by the photos, Gabe and Ella weren't the least bit shy, and soaked up every bit of attention as if they have never gotten any!"
Please Keep Voting!
The new Shelter Challenge started on Monday, January 10th, and ends at midnight on March 20th. Grand prize in this round is $5,000. There are no second- and third-place prizes this time, but new categories ... please see the Shelter Challenge website for details.
And remember, you can vote every day, so consider bookmarking the voting page to make it easy.
You can vote in the Shelter Challenge here.
Please note: Use Rolling Dog Ranch for our name and NH for the state and our listing will come up.
Because of your votes, we came in 2nd nationwide and won $5,000 in the Shelter Challenge that ended in December 2010. Please help us win this round of the contest by voting every day, and by encouraging your family, friends and colleagues to vote every day, too. Thank you!
So awesome to read how far Ella has come. Heartwarming story all round!
Posted by: Nathan | March 31, 2011 at 07:45 PM
With the world in so much turmoil, it is nice to hear good news. The response from a child touched my heart.
Posted by: Rita Boatright | March 27, 2011 at 06:16 PM
People changing the world, step by step.
Posted by: Mauro Salles | February 22, 2011 at 11:04 AM
How wonderful to see Gabe and Ella just so relaxed and enjoying themselves with the kids. What a great idea Aiden had and I hope he gets extra extra credit! To see how far Ella has come just gladdens my heart :)
Posted by: Ann | February 22, 2011 at 03:11 AM
Wow! Brings a tear to my eye to see how far Ella has come from the scared and shy dog she was to a confident and happy pup surrounded by children! What a wonderful family to bring both of these dogs into their home! Truly wonderful!
Posted by: Kate & Luke | February 21, 2011 at 07:47 PM
This is utterly amazing and made me cry! Truly a beautiful story and moment! Thank you Paul, Jenny, Aidan and last but NOT LEAST Rolling Dog Ranch!!! We are so proud to be supporters of such an amazing non-profit animal rescue group!!! I just shutter to think where Gabe and Ella would have been with out RDR!!!
Posted by: Shirley * James/Portland, OR | February 21, 2011 at 04:48 PM
What a fantastic story! Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Ashley | February 21, 2011 at 12:42 PM
Aidan, Paul and Jenny,
How VERY VERY special this is! How wonderful of you to share Gabe and Ella with your class. Your message of compassion may be one of the most priceless that they learn this year... or for a lifetime. I am sure they all envy your beautiful family.
I was absolutely choked up with happiness to read your story. I know this is a very proud moment for Steve, Alayne and all of us RDR fans. Hugs to all.
Posted by: Margaret | February 21, 2011 at 11:21 AM
Ditto the other comments...heartwarming and inspiring for both animals and humans. Wonderful way to start the week!
Posted by: Linda | February 21, 2011 at 11:05 AM
Oh.... those pictures of Ella brought tears to my eyes!! Such an incredible, amazing transformation. And Gabe looks just as wonderful as can be. What a perfect family for these two!!
Posted by: Kenna | February 21, 2011 at 10:57 AM
Oh this is wonderful!
Thank you Aidan! And Paul and Jenny, too.
Teach and introduce kids at an early age to embrace the disabled, whether human or not! Looks like it was a great "hands on" experience for everyone!
Aiden, I hope you got lots of extra credit for that one! Good job, kiddo!
Posted by: Lisa K. - San Diego | February 21, 2011 at 10:06 AM
THAT was an awesome story to read with my daily cup of coffee! I love that Aiden came up with this WONDERFUL idea on his own and am truly impressed at what a sophisticated thinker he is already. Amazing how we can do SO MUCH GOOD by spreading the word not only that ALL animals are precious and worthy of the same respect humans are, of course, but that disabled animals, like people, enrich our lives in miraculous ways! BRAVO to Aiden and RDR is getting that message out! Ursula Rudd
Posted by: Ursula Rudd | February 21, 2011 at 08:39 AM
This is the most wonderful thing I have read in ages...and those kids will remember the lesson for life....kudos to all!
Posted by: Debbie | February 21, 2011 at 08:10 AM
What a wonderful, wonderful story!
Aidan had a great idea: those pictures say it all, don't they?
Every time I look at Ella, my eyes tear up, as she reminds me so much of Camilla... In some ways, it's like Camilla were still alive and living in America.
Thank you and God bless, Jenny & Paul, for giving Gabe & Ella such a loving forever home (as Erma Bombeck used to say, "every dog should have a child").
Posted by: Carla Polastro-Nigro | February 21, 2011 at 03:47 AM
WOOOWWWWW.... hoo hoo, way to go Aidan and the two great dogs!! Happy homes are always incredible, a visit to a school is so special but that comment will rock my day!
What a way to start the week, great, thank you...
Posted by: Jessica, NL | February 21, 2011 at 01:16 AM
This is an excellent story - - thank you to one and all who took Gabe and Ella to such wonderful heights after their dismal early lives. I see that both Gabe and Ella have put on some weight; must be from living the good life.
BTW, Aidan, you're a good-lookng guy!
Posted by: Moon Rani | February 20, 2011 at 10:41 PM
Words fail me (and that doesn't happen often!)
Everyone is a winner in this story, even us readers.
Thank you.
Posted by: Lynn (in Louisiana) | February 20, 2011 at 09:53 PM
Aiden, what a wonderful thing you did!! Showing your classmates what wonderful pets disabled animals make.
Gabe and Ella do look terrific. Goes to show what a lot of TLC can do!! This is truly AWESOME!!
Posted by: Laura, Levi & Timmy | February 20, 2011 at 08:07 PM
WOW.... what a great follow-up. What a terrific family.
Posted by: lisa james | February 20, 2011 at 06:56 PM
Ella looks like she is being very well fed! Love can do wonders for a gal! They have become "spokesdogs" for RDR and those that have to try a little harder!!! Thank you for sharing.
Posted by: Kathleen Rivard | February 20, 2011 at 06:19 PM
This has given me total goosebumps and big tears in my eyes!!! The beauty of so many lessons for children with these special animals. I am so proud of Aidan!!
I experience this each and every time I do visits to schools with Frankie and I can never express in just the right words how rewarding this is. To share disabled animals and change the lives of others through their messages is truly an honor-- just like Paul and Jenny have experienced. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
Posted by: Barbara Techel | February 20, 2011 at 06:14 PM
That is just TOO AWESOME! What a great idea Aiden had! Gabe and Ella look terrific and like old pros at this classroom thing. Congrats!
Posted by: Linda | February 20, 2011 at 06:08 PM