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January 18, 2011


Please feed Widget more.
She "mines" because she is
hungry! :-)

I love this! Widget is very clever.

New follower here - after reading about Widget here then on your other website, I was giggling - thank goodness no one else in the office with me. I have two Beagles of my own - Shiloh'n Shasta - hope you will stop by "their blog" sometime. They were my first Beagles and I fell in love almost instantly. It is hard to believe that Widget is totally blind - her antics would suggest otherwise. I will try to make it back when I get home (at work now)
Kim (Mom Beaglebratz)

A Great Big WOO-WOO-WOO to go with the ear to ear smile on my face! Just gotta love the Widget!

The ever daring and amazing Widget!! Haha:)

Very industrious, ingenious and funny! Whatta girl. Perhaps you need just one more lower tub/step to perfect the "steps". Something tells me she'll be back, :)

I like her style!!!

...and engineers are laboring over building the perfect house cleaning robots. Just find yourself a beagle!

Poor Widget, she looks so 'underfed!' And now has to resort to scrounging for others' food! Ha!Ha! She is adorable and very bright and clever. And what an attitude!

Widget is a hoot, never a dull moment with her around! Wish I had personal service like you provide :)

What a little character! You guys are always entertained (and entertaining! ha!)

I'm not worried about Widget, I'm worried about YOU!!! I think the woo-woo-woo means "Hand over the food, very slowly, and nobody gets hurt".

Widget is the best!!! Has always been my favourite. Her sassy attitude just makes her that much more endearing.

"Inspector Widget!"

I love it...

That's hilarious! We should all be so lucky to have such awesome servants of assistance! Everybody vote!

Atta girl Widget.....the eyes may have failed but the nose knows that possibilities abound. What a hoot!

I love Widget. I love them all. They are so special and so lucky to have the two of you.

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