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« More Basket Follies | Main | Snow Job »

January 11, 2011


I hope you're still giving Madison an occasional ride in the ATV. Those are some of my favorite stories.

My cats, 15 & 18, sometimes sleep together like this too. Especially on cold days. What are the RDR cats up to these days?? Are there any left at RDR?

Just means so much to see the comfort and loving social group you provide all these pups that didn't have it... my heart is smiling, :)

Did you ever do a story on Madison? She is so sweet!!

i voted too!

Briggs is a very lucky guy having Madison for a friend who doesn't mind him snuggling close. I'm sure she is enjoying this closeness as much as he is.

Now that's love!

Love that picture. My dogs will sleep that way together sometimes and it's so cute to see how comfortable they are together, just like Briggs and Madison.

Steve, what other categories can we vote for RDR in aside from the main one? Would be happy to vote in as many categories as I can!

PLEASE keep voting everyone. Use more than one browser if you have them!

How fitting to follow up Briggs and Madison's Cheek by oel picture with this Cheek by Cheek shot. They make a darling couple.

Very dangerous position, Brigg's might be blind but his nose still works, let's hope Madison didn't have beans for supper!!!

Gives a new meaning to dancing "cheek to cheek."


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