Once again, Julie and Rob at Love of Dog Bakery in Maryland have kindly chosen the ranch as their charity of the month -- this time for November. A portion of their sales during November will be donated to the sanctuary. Orders need to be in before the end of the month. Love of Dog Bakery's treats are just incredible, and your dog will love them! Our dogs go crazy whenever a box of their dog cookies arrives. You can order their delicious doggie treats here.
I had a feeling we would not be seeing much of Snuggles b4 she found a new home!! Yeah!! And a new arrival?? Hmmm. Who will the next super lucky animal be? I am so glad Snuggles 1. found a new home and 2. left room for one more needy animal to have a slice of the good life. Maybe this new one will be just as lucky and RDR will only be a pitstop on the way to a new home. If not, this is the place to be.
Posted by: Anne in Florida | November 15, 2010 at 01:30 PM
Nice! This is wonderful to see, or perhaps I should say taste. Thank you to the Love of Dog Bakery!
Posted by: Margaret | November 15, 2010 at 12:41 PM
Thank you Julie and Rob for helping RDR and all the other organizations that you contribute to! Will be putting in an order!
Posted by: Ann | November 15, 2010 at 02:54 AM
Well, break out the Milkbones, it't time for a celebration! Congratulations to one and all, and many good wishes to that cutie-pie, Snuggles!
Now I'm champing at the bit to know about the new arrival. All I can guess is that it wasn't a horse.
Have a happy week, RDR!
Posted by: Moon Rani | November 14, 2010 at 07:08 PM