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« A Trick For My Treat | Main | Suzi Gets Adopted! »

November 21, 2010


I've lived in New England for many years, and I can't even *imagine* what wind chill values of -21 or -34 degrees feel like. That's like Mars! I think you'll love New England winters. There is snow, but it can be very beautiful, especially when sunny winter days make it sparkle. I bet the weather will feel balmy for you two! :-)

Glad Suzi got a good home. She was so cute I was almost tempted to ask for her myself. My sister-in-law lives in Montana and she said it is very cold now.

I give you all a lot of credit for being able to have done all you did in weather like that in Montana. Even in the winter, New Hampshire won't be quite as bad. As a former northener turned cold weather wuss, I dreaded the winter. Now I'm in South Carolina and we're all complaining because it's only going to be in the 60s this weekend!

When I complain about the winter weather here in the Pacific North West, I stop a second and remember what it is like in MT during the winter. No comparison! Although I still am in love with the great state of Montana. It is a beautiful place.

When I saw the national weather map this weekend the entire state of MT was pink with had the word "frigid" written over it. I said to myself, bet Alayne and Steve are doing a happy dance!

Your blog gives me goose bumps! It's funny how Paul and I have been noticing Gabe getting a thick winter coat with the few cool days here. I have been calling our boy, "The Big Montana Bear." Cold to us is anything below 60. :) I think Gabey still thinks there is snow coming.....silly boy....on the days the temp drops to 59, I heat up blankets in the dryer and wrap him up....he probably thinks I am crazy! : )

That weather last October was bad, but what a great fall we had out here this year, and quite an extended one. Unfortunately, when winter decided to hit, it came fast. I think Helena's forecast is even worse than Ovando's! I did see someone cross country skiing down the road in front of the house on Saturday and we live in town!
Oh, and being able to grow real tomatoes will be nice for you!

Owww, brrrr, for both areas compared to the sea-climate I live in ;-). Hahaha, that last comment is a blast Steve, but I dare say you could be right!

I remember the taking-off snow tires and other weather "bets" like that :)

Yes, nothing like winter in Montana. It is about 5 degrees right now as I am writing. Glad the you all at the Ranch are doing so good. I enjoy the updates. We miss you in Montana, though! Happy Thanksgiving.
Poplar, MT

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