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« The Hallway | Main | I Hear Winter's Coming. I'd Better Get Going. »

October 21, 2010


When I go to photograph horses I keep a small wrapped peppermint in my pocket. They put their ears up at the crinkly noise, and plus, when they're good, they get a little treat

You are so funny. I don't think many of us that actually get the newsletter would even notice if Lena's ears were facing foward. She's a sweetheart for being so patient as well as Kate & Alayne! I got several laughs out of this. Thanks!
Big hugs all around,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Now you did it, Linda!....Had to mention those assymetrical hills in the background. That will be Steve's next task. I love the picture of Lena and Alayne. I think Lena is muttering something under her breath to Alayne.

Steve, you crack me up and keep me smiling for the rest of the day. Like Moon Rani, I love the outtakes better than the final product. It's not the destination, but the journey that matters :)

LOL! I never gave horse ears a thought before. Of course I knew they moved, but I was unware of their range and their always-in-motion nature. Great post!

Cute set of pictures. Interesting, too, about the horse ears. Tell Lena thanks from me.

I DO enjoy your blog posts!

Everyone looks so incredibly handsome and perfect! Now if you could just do something about those assymetrical hills in the background...

I love reading your blogs. I laugh so hard at your humor! I was almost crying I was laughing so hard at the sequence of events!!

I bet Cash asked Lena a few questions about what the heck was going on! Wonder what that conversation was like!! LOL!

Love your humor... & writing skills. It's not easy to make this photo episode as funny in print as it was in real life!

Great Foto and Commentary!

WOW, did Cash grow up good looking or what!! Please put in a closer-up pic of him, he looks to be a stunnng horse!! Is someone still riding him to keep him in practice?? His guardian angel did a really great job getting that little boy to you. It is nice to see he looks out for his Aunt Lena when she is pressed into the odd jobs of ranch life. I'm sure he asked her all kinds of questions about what you were doing. I'd love to hear her take on all the takes (and outtakes);)

Thanks for the great start to my day. You had me laughing so hard...I snorted! And yes, I'm sure Lena thinks you're nuts. But hey, what's wrong with a little OCD. I've got a touch myself!

Love reading your work in the morning. Always brings a smile to my face. Especially today. Wow, what patient folks you are to take that many shots. Must admit, you did a good job!

haha, your photos are cute. I go through this all the time trying to get pictures of our horses. Let alone try to get two of them in the picture! I couldn't imagine any more than two!

Steve, the way you write is wonderful, this blog made me smile and laugh! Those pictures are so great, I just love the sequence of "events". But it's all worth it for that wonderful photo of you, Alayne and Lena!

* Please keep voting! Use more than one browser if you have them...the 3rd place shelter is gaining fast! *

Everyone PLEASE VOTE!!! RDR is barely hanging on to 2nd place, and the difference between 2nd and 3rd place prizes is $3000 - that's a lot of money that could go to a lot of good for the animals! Please keep voting to keep them in 2nd place!!!

What fun to see BOTH OF YOU in the blog!! It certainly is gorgeous!

LOL !!

Another hilarious newsletter sequence! Somehow I always like the outtakes more than the perfect shot. I love the shot where you're both glaring at Lena; it looks like she just talked about your mama!

Great photos!! Ahh Lena, Alayne and Kate, I feel for you all!! Been there done that! It's strange to see all that green grass. The fall colors are awesome. I thought that was Cash in the background! Typical of him to try and get in the picture! I have to say I am jealous of Kate who gets to work with all my furry friends...Oh how I miss them!! (You too Steve/Alayne!)

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