I know this is a pretty boring photo of one of our trucks at a gas pump. But there's a little more to it.
Back in early April, when we first announced our impending move to New Hampshire, I mentioned that a major reason for relocating was to be closer to services so we could reduce our operating costs for increasingly expensive things like gas. In Montana, we were 70 miles from anywhere, so it was a 140-mile (225 km) round trip to take an animal to the vet clinic or to get supplies and groceries. Even though we tried to be very efficient and disciplined about going to Missoula or Helena only once a week -- we'd pack as many as 8 to 10 stops into a single day in town -- it was still a pricey fill-up-the-gas-tank trip. Plus, we'd be on the road most of the day. Of course, if an animal needed to see a vet outside that once-a-week schedule, off we'd go to the clinic.
So once I got to New Hampshire, I kept an eye on the gas tank in the truck I drove out from Montana. I had filled it up the day I arrived in Lancaster, eight weeks ago last Friday. I was amazed as I made trip after trip into town that the gas gauge hardly budged. I'd call Alayne back in Ovando and say, "Hey, I'm still at three-quarters of a tank!" And this was making many more trips into town than I usually would -- we still intend to consolidate multiple errands into single trips, as we did in Montana -- but in the first several weeks of trying to get settled, it was harder to be quite as organized and efficient.
Well, two months later to the day, on Friday, it was finally time to fill 'er up -- and that's what you see in the photo above. It was hard to believe one tank had lasted that long, given the number of trips I'd made, but that's what being 3 miles (5 km) from town will do for you. It was satisfying to know that this part of the plan was already yielding results.
Alayne and I have discussed trading in one of the trucks for a smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicle at some point, but we want to get a routine established here and see how much we'll use both trucks before making that decision. (Both trucks are also completely paid for.) We haul a lot -- whether horses, hay or other heavy, bulky loads -- and there have been plenty of times when one of us has been on the road hauling horses to the vet clinic or loading up the truck with supplies while the other has needed the second truck back at the ranch. So we'll see how we end up.
But in the meantime, it was good to see the first direct cost savings we anticipated as a result of moving to New Hampshire. In fact, eight weeks between fill-ups is even better than we had expected!
I am glad that the move is paying off with reduction of gas and etc, but we sure miss you guys and all the animals in Montana! Keep up the great work!
Posted by: Kevin Kennaugh | July 28, 2010 at 12:44 AM
Gotta love the gas savings! Living close to the places you need to go is great. I agree with others...I would keep both the big trucks since you just never know when having both will come in handy, not to mention that they are both paid off!
Posted by: Ann | July 21, 2010 at 02:37 AM
Saving cash for the residents (yourself included), your priceless time AND improving your carbon footprint. Great results!
Posted by: Margaret | July 20, 2010 at 01:52 PM
Hmm, well, I think I really have to vote 'no'. So sorry. The above referenced photo shows ok composition, not very cute or cudly tho. The colors are nothing to write home about but the focusing is right on. The exposure is also good but the rt. to left balance seems a touch off (electric pole). And the biggie: lack of dog muzzle sticking out the drivers side window watching what is going on outside...a cute blind Madison nose would have added a lot to the photos chances. But alas, I must cast my 'No' vote for the "Should this picture be in the maybe sometime in the future RDR calendar." I know the picture has to go to the preview commitee but I dont think they will see much in this one either (commitee members: Lena, Cinder, Spinner, Helen, Widget, Cedar and Hawk) Better luck with future shots...although this does make a great point about how nice it must be to be so close to town. ;) anne
Posted by: Anne in Florida | July 20, 2010 at 09:24 AM
I'm cheering for you! That will sure free up some money for you to spend on other things.
And it isn't as if BP needs any more of your money, is it?
Posted by: Lynne Parker | July 20, 2010 at 07:51 AM
My congratulations! And I understand about consolidating errands. We live just five miles from anything--grocery stores, gas stations, drug stores, mailing, etc.--and considerably farther from a lot of other things. I rarely go out without making 6 or more stops.
Posted by: Vicki Small | July 20, 2010 at 01:07 AM
That's wonderful news about your savings in gas! It really makes a difference in the budget to lower the usage!
Posted by: Colleen & Sweet Kitty Erin | July 19, 2010 at 09:35 PM
Hey guys, thought you should know that Google still shows you in MT. :)
Posted by: Amy A | July 19, 2010 at 03:24 PM
That's great about the savings in gas. It will be really interesting to see what your utility bills will be like compared to MT. I think being 3 miles from town is going to yield many benefits. Some of the sanctuaries here who have acreage have an open to the public day once a month and they get lots of donations in cash and wish list items and potential good donors plus lots of volunteers to help out on a regular basis because it's not far to drive to.
Posted by: Miranda | July 19, 2010 at 12:37 PM
WOW! Amazing and obviously a welcome change. B4 trading in a truck you may want to go thru one whole round of seasons first, including a winter...you never know when a truck, or two, will come in really handy. Just a thought for ya. Anne
Posted by: Anne in Florida | July 19, 2010 at 09:07 AM
Glad to see the move is paying off already. My gut says to keep both trucks. You just never know, like for reasons that you've mentioned, when you might need both at the same time. And when you can fill up this infrequently, it's not like there's a lot of gas guzzling going on. Are both trucks silver?
Posted by: Barb Ribinski | July 19, 2010 at 08:09 AM
Hi Steve and Alayne
I'm new to your blog/ website and just wanted to congratulate you on what you've achieved and thank you for what you're doing. Rolling Dog Ranch is a real inspiration.
As to the trucks - anyone looking after lots of animals know that you probably need three! One for each partner and one just in case.
Posted by: Harry | July 19, 2010 at 06:42 AM
WOW!! Hey, how about two trucks and heaven for bid you get a "people" car too!
Posted by: Shirley * James/Portland, OR | July 19, 2010 at 12:17 AM
That's awesome news! I'm envious! Seems I'm always having to fill up -- but we live out in the sticks too.....that's nice that you guys are getting a lot of breaks on things since you have moved...it was meant to be...
Posted by: Leila - Washington | July 18, 2010 at 11:48 PM