We'd been getting worried about little Dexter ... he has a great appetite, eats everything we give him and then some, but just seemed to look a little on the skinny side -- and getting more so. This despite the fact that after he eats the big meals we feed him, he looks like the proverbial snake that swallowed the pig.
Given his advanced age, we worried about his kidneys or some other problem. (Yes, we worry about this sort of thing a lot!) So when I was in Missoula last week, I asked our internal medicine specialist there, Dr. Dave Bostwick, if he would do a physical exam, run some bloodwork and do an abdominal ultrasound scan of his internal organs. I took this photo of Dexter during the ultrasound while I held him with one hand and used my other hand for the camera:
All of his organs looked fine on the ultrasound. Then the next day, Dave called with the results of the bloodwork: Everything looked good.
That's a huge relief, of course, and suggests the changes we're seeing in his body condition are just age-related ... loss of muscle tone, etc.
But this was the second time in two months I've hauled the little tyke in to see the vet, only to find out nothing's wrong with him. Dexter says, "I keep you telling you I'm fine but you never believe me!"
Sorry about not having this post up for this morning and for the delay in posting the latest comments. I couldn't log on to the Internet from my hotel room in Spearfish, South Dakota, last night, and the hotel couldn't figure out what was wrong with their Internet access. I'm in Austin, Minnesota, this evening and finally got online again.
Thanks for all your wonderful and supportive comments about the move to New Hampshire!
Please keep voting for the ranch in the Shelter Challenge -- and you can vote every day! We're currently in fourth place and still on track to win $3,000 for the animals, but every vote counts! We just slipped from third place to fourth, so please help round up as many votes as you can so we can stay in the running for the $3,000. Ask your family and friends to vote for the ranch, too!
Enter "Rolling Dog Ranch" and our state postal code, MT, for Montana, and it will bring up our listing.
Vote in the Shelter Challenge here.
Last year we won $3,000 in the first round and then won the $20,000 Grand Prize in the second round, so your votes really do add up and make for a wonderful gift for the animals here.
Thank you!
So glad to hear that Dexter is okay, not just because he's a cutie, but because I have a senior Doxie (14) and as she has always maintained a good weight, she too is on the skinny, almost boney side. She eats like theres no tomorrow and gets around perfectly, but it has been a bit of a concern. Knowing Dexter is okay, just confirms what I believed about Lily. Cute thing is they look exactly alike...gotta love those white faces. Good luck with the move and I send you blessings for all you do!
Posted by: Courtney Kittner | June 28, 2010 at 08:14 PM
I'm so glad that Dexter is doing good & nothing was wrong. His look in the pic during the ultra-sound is quite indignant with all the fuss. But, Dexter, to us humans it just makes us rest easier if we suspect something & get it checked out. So, Dex, you are a trooper for putting up w/ worrisome parents. Steve & Alayne this is one of the things I appreciate & love about you. Not only are you doing your daily functions to care for these furry friends but you all are so involved w/ each & every one of them to take notice of the small changes that can happen & stay on top of them to ensure the welfare & health of each one of your residents. God bless you for all you do each & every day. Also, Steve, please don't apologize for being late on postings during this move. We all understand this is quite an undertaking & we love reading the posts but 1st & foremost take care of you all & all the little critters.
Posted by: Colleen & Sweet Kitty Erin | April 13, 2010 at 04:32 PM
Hi. I just read about Dexter. Did he get his heart checked out while at the vet's? If his right valve is affected he could have some fluid in his abdomen and the belly could be a result from that. My late dachshund had that problem.
If it's just age related muscle waste, a supplement (check with vet) like L Carnitine helps regain muscle. That, along with short walks and a bit of exercise can make dogs regain muscle within a month. It also helps with cardiac problems (the heart is muscle).
Posted by: G. Rivera | April 11, 2010 at 09:35 PM
We can't believe that Dexter is a senior! He looks to be a pup,so you must tske awfully good care of him!
All the best on your latest adventure!
Posted by: John & Margaret - - Knoxville TN | April 11, 2010 at 08:28 PM
How old is our Dexter? I still would love to adopt him! Fat chance.....Over your dead bodies!.....Okay! I get it! Back to the question, about how old is Dex?
Posted by: Kathleen Rivard | April 10, 2010 at 11:41 AM
Dexter is such a cutie! Glad that all is well with him.
Enjoy the rest of your travels!
Posted by: Ann | April 09, 2010 at 03:34 AM
Hmmm...methinks that despite his blindness, Dexter can still sense that he's got a pink leash, and is rather miffed! But he's so darling, I just want to reach out and rub his cute little tummy!
Posted by: Heidi, Emmett the Beagle, and Moxie the kitty | April 09, 2010 at 01:20 AM
Rest well, drive safe ... and enjoy all the little pit stops along the way. "Rolling Dog Ranch Road Trip, Part I." Oh yeah! Won't all the little noses (and big horsey ones, too!) be going wild once they all arrive at their new home? Oh my gosh! What adventures lie ahead! God bless you and keep you all safe.
Posted by: Lisa K - San Diego | April 08, 2010 at 05:26 PM
I hope you went to the Spam museum. :-)
Posted by: mmrocker13 | April 08, 2010 at 05:08 PM
Thank you so much for taking the time to blog as you travel. I hope you can't tell how many times someone checks your blog or you will surely think I'm a looney bird. It's just that reading about your sanctuary has made such an impact on my life.
Great news about little Dexter. He sure is a cutie!
Did you bring a traveling companion? perhaps Madison??
I've asked St Francis (my go to guy for all things animal related) to watch over you and Alayne as you transition to phase two of your mission.
Much respect and admiration sent to you from down south!
Posted by: Lynn (in Louisiana) | April 08, 2010 at 10:47 AM
I think Dexter might be upset about the PINK leash. He needs something a little more masculine :-) I'm glad to hear he got a clean bill of health. Be safe on the road Steve, and Alayne - good luck holding down the fort!
Posted by: Kristi Gross | April 08, 2010 at 10:30 AM
So glad little Dexter is doing fine! I wish I could eat whatever I wanted and still lose weight.
Safe travels! I still can't get over how beautiful your new place is and can't wait for everyone to get moved out there. Let the adventures begin!!!
Posted by: Toni | April 08, 2010 at 09:59 AM
Wow you sure are traveling fast. Hope all is well with you and all is well back at the ranch with Alayne and company. Rolling Dog Ranch is where the HEART is.
Posted by: Kevin Pohl | April 08, 2010 at 09:40 AM
We wish you the best of luck on your move. If we ever get to New Hampshire we will stop for a visit. When you get time can you post how Timmy is doing?
Tammy and Jay
Posted by: Tammy and Jay | April 08, 2010 at 09:07 AM
Hurry up and get to NH so I can meet Dexter (he reminds me of Oscar) And please give us a new address soon... you need a Red Sox hat and I would be more then happy to send it welcome to Red Sox Nation!!
Posted by: gayle | April 08, 2010 at 08:46 AM
Maybe little Dexter just looks too thin because you are comparing him to the other "more robust" doxies you have...robust, yeah that's it, not chubby..no,no,no...lol.
Seriously, it's always good to have medical validation of good health...maybe you will worry just a tiny bit less.
Can't wait for everyone to get settled in to their new home...I just know it is the right move!
Posted by: Debbie | April 08, 2010 at 07:51 AM
Be safe...I image you will hate to lose all your wondeful vets! As I am quite sure they will miss you all as well!
Posted by: A fan in Arizona | April 08, 2010 at 03:54 AM
Dex is a handsome little man! Glad all is okay with him.
Posted by: Michelle | April 08, 2010 at 01:22 AM
I've had internet problems and heard about your move. Now I've seen your pictures and Wow! is all I can say.
Aw, Dexter's such a little cutie. Even with all the move-related things that you must be occupied with you're still keeping us updated on the animals.
I'm overwhelmed just thinking about what you and Alayne have accomplished and all the planning while still caring for all the animals.
I don't think Rolling Dog is just a place in Montana, it's where a lot of us want to be. An animal sanctuary is a fantasy that lots of us want to imagine ourselves running, but it's not all fun and play. Reading your posts about the actual day to day work involved lets us know all that you do.
I look forward to your posts to let us catch up with the animals after you all get settled at the Rolling Dog Ranch. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a perfect move.
If home is where the heart is, then Rolling Dog is where the open arms are.
Posted by: Rose, Winnipeg, MB | April 08, 2010 at 12:21 AM
Don't worry about posting. Just make sure you have a safe trip. We're all praying for you out there and that this whole move turns into the true blessing we all hope for.
Posted by: MarySue | April 07, 2010 at 10:51 PM
I waved when you went through Rapid City, did you see me? LOL
Posted by: Barb | April 07, 2010 at 10:04 PM
So glad that Dexter is fine. I know about your concern when a dog does things & his body doesn't reflect what he's doing. When I checked the blog before I went to bed around 0530, I figured you were on the road, having some sort of internet snafu. Be safe, Steve. We understand that your a man on a mission, so just do what you have to do. We know that you are doing a lot right now, and trust that no news is great.
Happy hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit
Posted by: ginger | April 07, 2010 at 09:01 PM