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« I Can Do This, Too | Main | Outtakes »

March 07, 2010


I do love the positions that our beloved pets seem to find most comfortable. I find myself having to stifle a laugh as not to wake my cat in some of the positions he gets himself into. They certainly do have the patent on restful sleep!!!

That's a dog saying "I'm laying this way because I can!" Wonderful.

Always the dogs on the comfy recliners. Are you all ever given sitting privileges? What am I saying - I don't get sitting or bed space in my house. Talk about going to the dogs! Great photos and enjoyable as usual.

I want to know how Steve and Alayne keep the throws on the chairs. Even when I tuck them in our dogs (2 boxers, a bulldog and a w.h. fox terrier) like to nest in them so they end up partially off the furniture or on the floor.
Please post any tips you may have for keeping blankets on furniture.

Spinner is just so relaxed and loving life at RDR.... we all need a cozy chair and blankie.... but I'm feeling a HEAD RUSH coming on if I sleep that way. How DO they do it?

Safe & sound! Wonderful :)
We got a new couch this weekend &, of course, the 1st picture I took was my girls testing it out. Pups know comfort!

Our special girl needs an ottoman, stat! LOL

How adorable - and those blankets look so soft. I bought 2 very large beds for my medium-sized dogs and yes, they still manage to find a corner and hang their heads down - so I think it feels good. If I do decide to add a small pillow to support their heads, they don't seem to mind - they are more versatile sleepers than I am.

When the sun's shining in on you as you nap; any position is possible! : )

Could part of the reason she's sleeping with her head hanging down be that she doesn't really fit on the chair to begin with?? But we won't tell her that; she seems too comfortable.

My greythound sleeps like that! It's so funny, as my former greythound slept with all four feet in the air. Different strokes....
Warm hugs all around,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

What a great picture! My 3 dogs will sleep like that as well and it looks so cute that it always puts a smile on my face :)

I believe I will pass on that sleeping position! LOL! My vertigo would have a field day! Cute pic!

Too cute! Thanks for the smile!

My sister had a poodle cross whose usual sleeping position on the couch was exactly as Spinner's. We always wondered why it wasn't uncomfortable.

I might have to try that position and see if I sleep better!

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