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« I'm Bound To Catch Something With This | Main | Up Close And Personal »

March 16, 2010


You should have posted a picture of Widget instead. She's the perfect compromise between Doxie and Beagle fanatics. Plus she's adorable.

Well, I love all labs/schmabs but I have to agree nothing is as cute or funny as a beagle or a doxie. I love them all.

And, it was only fair to picture Dexter as the model of this daily blog!!! What a cutie!! is a bit telling Steve that you pictured a Doxie instead of a Beagle for this post.....might have been more diplomatic to plop a Beagle down next to a Doxie for the photo! LOL!

I vote for doxies. I have long thought Daisy would make a good girlfriend to my Renaldo.

Emmett the Wonder Beagle concurs with the results, and agrees that Labs/Schmabs need to be toppled from the top of the list. And although he has a crush on her, he is wondering which side of the argument Widget is on - how is she voting?

At my house, the doxies rule! Nothing says "I'm #1" like my tiny little doxie going up to a HUGE Great Dane and barking "get outta my way, fella".... yikes!

This photo is oh, so adorable! And in my book, dachshunds will always be #1!!

Barbara Techel

Since we have a "lab/schmab", I will forego reading todays post to her. She thinks all the "little" dogs at RDR pretty terrific ... and the big ones, too! I won't tell her they want to topple the labs off their throne!

Those Labs/shmabs, along with the ranch of course, get my top vote everytime!!!!!

Our household votes for dachshunds, but we're prejudiced. Great photo!

Widget thinks the beagles were jobbed by the selection committee. She thinks beagles deserved at least a two seed with a playoff with number one. However the RDR beagles have voted and will not pursue the matter if they get a celebratory ham with "we're number five" written on it in hot dogs.

As a "Mommy" to two remaining doxies, NOthing tops them!

Please give us updates on the newbies at the Ranch!

Aw, but how many dachshunds are at RDR? huh? ;)

I hope you had a party for the labs at the Ranch? Labs-Schmabs, they're still #1!

oh it's great to see Dexter!! Tell them all that no matter what their breed, they are special!

Dexter has to be one of the most handsome boys on the ranch!

Who does Widget root for?

Awwwwwww, I think they should all be number 10's!!! Gotta love 'em, the little darlings! Is that an Elvis lip thing I see going on in the picture there?

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