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« Ella | Main | Jack Hanna's Show On The Ranch Now Online »

February 12, 2010


I've catching up on posts. I have had a sick Mother who has needed my attention quite a bit lately but good news she has improved & is doing much better. (She is 86 so it doesn't take much to get her down when she is sick but fortunately she is of good health generally so that helps to fight off the gunk that goes around)

I'm so glad Ella made it thru the surgery & that she will be under your care. No, I don't I will ever understand how some humans can disrespect another living being. God bless you & Alayne!

Thank you for the update and the photo of her is so very precious!
I hope for a time when people no longer use their power, andger & lack of control to hurt animals.

Thank you for tsking her. Welcome Home!

I'm betting she doesn't stay at the ranch long....somebody is gonna scoop her up for sure! I just wish I lived closer.

The cruelty these helpless four-legged angels have to endure. But I truly believe what goes around comes around or is the other way? Anyway; I'm glad she's on the mend. Golly she's cute!

What a sweet face! Sooo glad that she will be coming to the ranch to be restored to complete health. You guys are angels!

Won't comment about those who hurt her except to say they deserve the wrath of God.

Poor Ella, she will love her new home, I'm sure!

Dear Steve, thank you so much for this encouring update on Ella.

I know she still has a long road ahead of her (heart-worm treatment is certainly no laughing matter), but your TLC is going to work miracles, as usual.:-)

I'd better not comment on those who left her trauma untreated...:-((((

Best wishes for a quick recovery for Miss Ella. She is a lucky girl to have Steve and Alayne on her side.

I'm so glad that Ella is getting the attention she deserves. And what a beautiful face she has. I'm sure her personality is just as nice. Can't wait for her to get to the ranch. (and see all the snow??!!) Get well soon, Ella.

The sooner Ella gets to her new forever home, the better. The poor thing has been through so much. It just unbelievable. She has earned her spot at doggy paradise, otherwise known as RDR!

So glad to hear things are now going in the right direction for her, thanks to RDR! Praying she has a speedy recovery and feels all the ails her!

So glad Ella came through her surgery in great shape and that she's doing well. No more inhumane treatment for her...she'll soon be in doggie paradise! She's a very lucky girl!

Yay Ella! And YAY RDR for taking in this beauty and getting that leg tended to. Can't wait to see her new adventures!!

Thanks so much for the update.

Ella, I can't imagine, either. Your sweetness is even more poignant for knowing this news. But you are in the best of hands now and soon will be in the very best place for a three-legged girl. It's all good from here. Kisses on your sweet nose.

On my kitchen wall is a plaque with the words

"Father, Hear and bless thy beasts and singing birds. Guard with tenderness...Small things that have no words."

I might add God Bless Steve and Alayne and all those that work so closely with them to identify and take from harms way, creatures like Ella.

Hell is too good for those who failed her but she now has a chance for Heaven on earth at RDR.

Thank you RDR for all you do for these animals that need you!

RDR to the rescue! I would give my last $1 to Rolling Dog Ranch! Your work never ceases to amaze us!

That just makes me sick. Totally inhuman! I'm so glad she is getting to you guys--I know you will give her the best care possible so she can start her new life. I already predict she will have a bond with Timmy.

She is such a purrty woofie! We are glad she is coming to you!

Ella is going to be one of my new special favorites because she looks very much like my own "Elle". Did the vet spay her while doing the operation on her leg? Poor baby......mangled leg, full of worms, and having a litter of pups while in that condition! Thank God she is now in good hands and doesn't have to suffer anymore.

I can't imagine either. Bless her heart, I'm SO glad she's finding her way to you.

What a sweet face. Thank you at RDR for giving Ella a bright future without the pain. I'm glad I'm able to donate.

"trauma that had never been treated" That makes me so sad.

I try to be a good person and not judge others and I realize I do not know Ella's whole story of how she ended up at the shelter but I really hope whoever failed to take care of her or worse yet, hurt her, goes straight to hell when they die. There, I said it!

What a precious, precious girl! She is so darn cute and I can't believe someone would purposely hurt her - and that no one would want to adopt her. Thank you for rescuing another little angel!

Great news - only good days are ahead for Ella!!

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