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« Warm Giraffe Neck | Main | When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough ... Take The Path »

January 27, 2010


Awww....sweet Willie. He's always been one of my favorite. That's OK, Willie, my Emmett is not a boisterous Beagle either. Glad to see you whirling. Much, much love from MN.

For followers that missed Willie's return story, go back to the blog entry for December 21.

I also think I missed a paragraph...or a chapter? Willie came back adoptive home? If he's whirling in the mornings, maybe he's that happy to be back at the ranch!

Perhaps Willie would like you to change the name of the Ranch to The Rolling and Whirling Dog Ranch.

Sweet boy must get a feeling of joyous abandon every morning. I hope he keeps it up once the snow melts............months from now.

Willie is darling - maybe he will shirl right out of his shell! I voted for Otis and RDR this morning!!

What a cutie Willie is - such a sweet demure pose in the top picture. I would have serious trouble getting work done at the ranch due to multiple and constant hug breaks.

I just adore Willie....His whirling around just shows how much he loves life with you all.

Where did Willie go and why is he back?

SO glad you have the return policy... good to see him.

Oh come on everyone moves when a dachshund wants to eat!!!

Please remind me/us how Willie came to being back home at the ranch?

How absolutely cute! Glad to see Willie coming out of his shell a bit and having fun whirling around

Please don't forget to vote in the Shelter Challenge!

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