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« Whirling Willie | Main | Take Your Medicine Like a Big Girl »

January 28, 2010


That is so funny! I love the action shots!

Steve, what you and Alayne are doing leaves us speechless! We have twelve, mostly Collies, after rescuing for years, and we still don't know how you two do it all. Bless you both!!

I love your site. I found it after I adopted my first deaf and partially blind double-merle Aussie about a year ago. We are going to pick up up our new deaf and one-eyed Aussie/poodle boy tomorrow. Thank you for reinforcing what I have learned from my princess- that being deaf or blind is nothing to a hap dog and they are a joy to have around. You are an inspiration!


It's a bit different here because we don't get snow, but when it rains heavily, my backyard floods and there are only certain parts of it that are above water and "walkable". My 3 dogs have finally gotten the hang of staying above water when they go outside. It's funny to watch them work their way around! I also love the titles you pick for the stories, Steve. They make me smile even before I read the wonderful stories!

Emma Sioux and Genie Bee living in beautiful Nashua, New Hampshire with their "sister" Tui know it as the "Yellow Brick Road". They are black and tan Doxies and Tui is a Shi Tzu. They tell me they're checking their "pmail"! They leave messages as well. It's all about communication!

Cute! We did the same thing in our backyard for Lio, our chihuahua, and then Cody and Jackson used it, too, because they're a bit, ah, lazy. :)

I love all your pics! And the Whirling Willie story is hilarious. I can almost see him revving up!

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