This is blind and three-legged Helen, who ventured off yesterday morning in the yard and got stuck in snow that was too deep for her. This has never been a problem for her in the past, but she's really getting up there in age now and she's developed hip dysplasia in her remaining rear leg -- and that makes maneuvering in deep snow a real challenge. This is the first winter she's had this problem, and we think she's finally beginning to figure out she isn't the athletic girl she once was ... but she's still getting herself in a pickle every now and then.
And rather than struggle and flounder around in the snow and wear herself out, she patiently stands there and waits for us to notice she's stuck. Whenever we let her outside, we keep an eye out in case this happens and she needs a human tow-truck to come along. So we know, when we see her standing motionless, that she's ready for us to come and get her unstuck. This is what she looked like yesterday when she heard Alayne coming for her:
We hope that before this winter is over, she'll learn not to follow her nose into the deep snow but stay close to the house!
Please vote for the ranch in the Shelter Challenge -- and you can vote every day! Enter "Rolling Dog Ranch" and our state postal code, MT, for Montana, and it will bring up our listing.
Vote in the Shelter Challenge here.Last year we won $3,000 in the first round and then won the $20,000 Grand Prize in the second round, so your votes really do add up and make for a wonderful gift for the animals here.
Thank you!
Oh Helen.. bless you!! Such a beautiful dog!
Posted by: Maree in NZ | January 25, 2010 at 01:40 PM
Thank goodness Helen has her human tow trucks ready, willing, and able to assist! It's tough learning that you can't do the things you once took for granted.
My dog, Jack, who is going through chemo is less steady on his legs this winter and has trouble with snow when it gets too deep or too... crunchy. So we've learned to shovel off a patch of grass for him to do his business. Plus, the resulting pile of snow makes a terrific target!
Posted by: Linda | January 24, 2010 at 08:33 PM
Helen, you are sooo loving and trusting! Your precious face says it all!
Posted by: Nina | January 24, 2010 at 07:08 PM
Everyone remember we can vote on weekends, too! Even though we don't get a post from RDR that day, remember to keep voting!
By the way, what an adventurous girl you are, sweet Helen! Exploring that cold cruchy stuff that you can't see must be a little daunting, especially when you get stuck & can't move any longer. But you know you have a family to count on, don't ya girl?
Posted by: Lisa Koch | January 23, 2010 at 03:01 PM
That's the face of faith and trust. She knows darn well she won't be stuck for long because she trusts her beloved Alayne will rescue her. Helen's expression personifies what all RDR animals feel for Steve and Alayne--absolute trust and faith that they will be loved and taken care of, no matter what. What a tribute to two amazing people!
Posted by: Debbie Burke | January 23, 2010 at 01:08 PM
This post reminded me of one of your posts from last winter where Soba would need help from what you called RDR's Human Lift and Carry Machines (or something like that). But Helen must be close to 100 pounds so apparently there's another technique like Gena says.
Helen's expression makes me think she was hearing some very comforting and reassuring words from someone she loves, appreciates and trusts with all her heart.
Thank you so much.
Posted by: Lynn (in Louisiana) | January 23, 2010 at 12:18 PM
Poor baby girl...this is one instance in which that fourth leg would be a tremendous help to her. Hang in there sweet puppy.
Posted by: Marla | January 22, 2010 at 06:37 PM
At first I couldn't figure out how you'd get her back to the barn - she's too big to carry, right?
But then I put on my "if I lived in Montana thinking cap" and decided you probably walk in front of her, making a path in the snow....
Am I right? :-)
We had a dachshund once who would do the same thing - get all excited and bound into the deep snow and get stuck. She was shorter than the snow and all we'd see is a trail that ended suddenly. Then we hear a bark... and another bark. Luckily she was small enough we could pick her up and carry her. She loved snow....
I'm glad Helen is still adventurous in her "old age" ....
How do you all stand those winters? Yikes... I get cold everytime I look at your winter photos -
Sending you some sunshine in the form of a cyber hug and smile - feel the warmth? LOL
Posted by: Gena | January 22, 2010 at 04:39 PM
Aww, that look says it all. Thank you & I love you Alayne for rescuing me. I can relate dear Helen...there are things I think I can do too & I just can't do them anymore but sometimes we forget!
Voting every day & I noticed from day 1 RDR moved up 3 slots...YAY!!!
Posted by: Colleen & Sweet Kitty Erin | January 22, 2010 at 04:07 PM
Helen, you look like a bear out there!!!!!! please do not sray far from the house!!! love, The Pohls
Posted by: Kevin Pohl | January 22, 2010 at 01:32 PM
Maybe sweet Helen just enjoys the extra attention she gets from her most favorite rescuers. Bless you!
Posted by: Angela | January 22, 2010 at 01:22 PM
Poor Helen. My mom's dog does this when he has a e-collar on (that big plastic white lamp shade they put on dog's head after surgery or to keep them from licking an area) he just freezes in place and won't move like "Get this thing off my head, please!" We're moving up in the ranks, a distant second place to the Iowa group. Keep putting in those votes everyone!
Posted by: Aliza | January 22, 2010 at 11:49 AM
It's so good to see her out in the snow just being a dog! and that second picture - her face is to die for! What a sweet, sweet girl!
Posted by: Kenna | January 22, 2010 at 08:51 AM
What a cutie
Posted by: gayle | January 22, 2010 at 08:40 AM
I just love Helen to pieces...she still thinks she's a young heck with reality. Give her a big ole hug for me, will ya?
Posted by: Debbie | January 22, 2010 at 07:35 AM
What a sweet, trusting face.
Posted by: Lynne Parker | January 22, 2010 at 07:13 AM
I have everybody voting again!!! Round three! :)
Posted by: Shirley * James/Portland, OR | January 22, 2010 at 02:51 AM
Bless her heart as you and Alayne would say! So SWEET that Rottie!
Posted by: Shirley * James/Portland, OR | January 22, 2010 at 02:47 AM
Poor girl....but she knows she has friends near by :))
Posted by: Sandra | January 22, 2010 at 01:53 AM
Awww...I love that look Helen is giving Alayne. Guess Helen is still young at heart even if she's getting up in years.
Don't forget to vote!
Posted by: Ann | January 22, 2010 at 01:28 AM
Very sweet.
Posted by: Adele in the Bronx | January 22, 2010 at 01:07 AM
Hi Helen,
It's so great to see you.
I love the way you know that if you get in a bit of a pickle, Alayne or Steve will come rescue you.
What a sweet look on your face.
Posted by: Chloe | January 21, 2010 at 11:49 PM