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December 02, 2009


Lena & Nikki are so beautiful. I'm sure even though they love the pasture it's good to be inside since it's that cold. All week long they predicted snow in our part of TX & it didn't happen. Most all around us got a teeny bit but we got nothing. So disappointing. So I'll just enjoy your pictures.

Steve,I saw how you were bundled up and I thought, Gee, how cold could it be? I dress like that when it's 40F. Then I saw -9F - - wow! Stay warm, folks!

What beautiful pictures! Please stay warm, horses - and Steve & Alayne too!

Beautiful picture.

Smart horses!

From my perspective, it was a beautiful day there yesterday. : )

Hey RDR voters. Denison City Pound is making their move. (I don't want to say I told you so, but...) They have their entire town voting for them. We all have to get at least one additional person to vote for RDR for the next two weeks until the end of the contest. Let's go!!!!!!!!

Make sure you all tell your families and friends to VOTE for RDR. I'm concerned about how fast the organization in second place has risen. They must have an army of people voting for them.

Hope Rosie got to go back out to pasture before winter arrived.

Funny how you say "light snow". All schools close and most people take off work when we get that much snow here. We're weanies about ice and snow but hey, we can handle a hurricane!!

Lena and Nikki look beautiful; thanks for a horse blog.

How is the horse doing that had the surgery? Is she back with her boyfriend yet?

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